urge [목적어] to [동사원형] = [목적어]가 [동사원형]하기를 권고하다
(*urge; recommend 보다 강한 의미)
저는 당신에게 안에 머물러 있으라고 권고합니다.
We urge you to stay inside.
We urge you to stay inside.
그 의사는 그녀에게 가능하면 언제라도whenver 태양노출 sun exposure을 피하라고 권고했다.
The doctor urged her to avoid sunlight anytime if possible.
The doctor urged her to avoid sun exposure whenever possible.
저희는 여러분 모두에게 금주를 하라고 권고합니다.
We urge you all to stop drinking
We urge all of you to stop drinking.
vaccinated 백신접종을 받은,
cautious 조심하는(careful 보다 진지한 느낌)
guarantee 보장하는
virus variant 변종 바이러스
achieve 달성하다;성취하다
herd 집단; 떼
immunity 면역
crowded 붐비는; 북적이는
Don't go to the crowded places.
For those of you who [동사]한 분들께
영어를 잘하고 싶은 분들께 전합니다.
For those of you who want to be good at English
For those of you who want to speak good English
저희는 여러분께 문법을 공부하라고 권고합니다.
We urge you to learn the grammar.
We urge you to study grammar.
저희 쇼를 놓친 분들께,
For those of you who missed our show,
For those of you who missed our show,
저희는 다음 주에 곧 다가오는 또 하나의 쇼가 있습니다.
We have another upcoming show next week.
We have another one coming up next week.
be vulnerable to [명사]에 취약하다
아이들은 그 병에 특히 취약합니다.
Children are particularly vulnerable to the disease.
Children are specially vulnerable to the disease.
이 요새는 공격에 취약합니다.
This fortification is vulnrable to attacks.
This fortress is vulnerable to attack.
세린쌤: I shouldn't have made the fortress out of pizza. 피자로 배 채우지 말았어야 했는데…
take [기간]이 걸리다.
내 차를 주차하는 데 거의 1시간이 걸렸어
It took nearly an hour to park my car.
It took almost an hour to park my car.
영어를 마스터하는데 얼마나 걸릴까요?
How long will it take to master English?
How long would it take to master English?
[Five Golden Sentences]
백신 접종을 완료하신 분들께 계속 조심하시라고 여전히 권고드립니다.
For those of you who fully got vaccinated, we still urge you to stay cautious.
For those of you who are fully vaccinated, we still urge you to stay cautious.
백신 접종을 받았다고 해서, 코로나 바이러스에 100% 안전하다는 보장은 없습니다.
Only because you have been vaccinated, it doesn’t guarantee you’re one hundred percent safe from the coronavirus.
Just because you have been vaccinated, it doesn’t guarantee you’re one hundred percent safe from the coronavirus.
귀하는 변종바이러스에 여전히 취약할지도 모릅니다.
You may still be vulnerable to virus variants.
You may still be vulnerable to virus variants.
우리가 집단면역을 달성할 때까지는 꽤 오랜시간이 걸릴 것입니다.
It’ll take quite a long time until we achieve herd immunity.
It’ll take quite some time until we achieve herd immunity.
그러니깐 그때까지는 붐비는 지역에 가실 때, 마스크 착용하고 계세요.
So until then, please keep wearing your mask when you go to the crowded places.
So until then, please keep your mask on when going to crowded areas.
저희는 당신에게 설탕을 줄이라고 권고합니다.
We urge you to cut down the amount of sugar.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 공지: 백신 접종 후 마스크 쓰기 권고 You may not be 100% safe from the coronavirus.