세린쌤: 선생님, we’re starting September
마유쌤: I know September is here.
세린쌤: Don’t you just have a fresh feeling every time you start a new month?
마유쌤: Oh I do all the time.

get rid of sth [명사]를 없애다;제거하다;버리다
난 내 나쁜 습관들을 제거하려고 노력중이야
I’m trying to get rid of my bad habits.
I’m trying to get rid of my bad habits.
내 형편없는 crappy 자동차를 없앨 때가 됐어.
It’s high time for me to get rid of my poor car.
It’s time I got rid of my crappy car.
[2021.07.29.Thu]영국영어 It's high time we bought a new car 우리는 새차를 진작 샀어야 했어.
[2021.07.29.Thu]영국영어 It's high time we bought a new car 우리는 새차를 진작 샀어야 했어.
Today is Thursday, the 29th of July. It's already Thursday and the last week of July. Can you believe that? Let's don't waste our time. Practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening with me. Yo..
*crappy; a very very casual expression to mean that something is really bad, terrible (형편없는, 엉망진창인)
Ex) My writing is so crappy
그 피부과 의사는 그녀의 검버섯들 age spots을 제거했다
The Dermatologist got rid of her face spots.
The Dermatologist got rid of her age spots.
tried-and-true 효과가 입증된
hiccup 딸꾹질
breathe out 숨을 내쉬다
breathe in 숨을 들이쉬다
tiny 아주 작은;아주 적은
tongue 혀
stimulate 자극하다
nerve 신경;몸의 신경 (대부분 복수형)
posture 자세
hold one’s breath 숨을 참다
너 얼마나 오래 숨 참을 수 있어?
How long can you hold your breath?
How long can you hold your breath?
세린쌤: When I was young, I used to play these games with my brother a lot, like trying to see who can hold their breath the longest and we would make bets. I would always win because I’m five years older than my brother. So, I only make bets that I know I can win.
그 수중발레 선수는 그녀의 숨을 10분 동안 참을 수 있어
The swimming ballerina can hold her breath for 10 minutes.
The synchronized swimmer can hold her breath for 10 minutes.
take a sip 한 모금 마시다 (홀짝 홀짝;조금 조금)
나 한 모금 마셔도 돼?
Can I take a sip?
Can I take a sip?
난 레모레이드 한 모금 마셨어?
I took a sip of lemonade.
I took a sip of the lemonade.
세린쌤: I hated when people say “Can I take a sip?”, and then they end up drinking half of it. And then I say “I thought you said a sip.”
a couple of [복수 명사] 몇개
우리 아직 그 시험전까지 몇일 남았어
We still have a couple of day to the exam.
We still have a couple of day before the exam.
몇명의 팬들이 그녀의 사인을 부탁했어.
A couple of fans asked for her autography.
A couple of fans asked for her autography.
[Five Goldend Sentences]
짜증나는 딸꾹질은 멈추기 위해 효과가 입증된 이 치료법을 시도해보세요
Try this tried-and-true therapy to get rid of annyoing hiccups.
Give these tried-and-true remedies a go to get rid of those annoying hiccups.
1. 숨을 20초간 참았다가 천천히 내쉬세요.Please hold your breath for 20 seconds and breathe out slowly.
Hold your breath for 20 seconds and breathe out slowly.
필요한 만큼 반복하세요
Repeat as much as you need
Repeat as necessary.
2. 아주 소량의 물 20모금을 가능한 한 빨리 연속해서 in a row 마시세요
Take 20 sips of tiny water in a row as quickly as possible
Take 20 tiny sips of water in a row as quickly as possible.
3. 혀를 앞으로 살살 당기는 것은 목의 신경을 자극해서 딸꾹질을 멈출지도 모릅니다.
Gently pulling your tongue forward may stimulate your nerves in your throat and stop hiccups.
Gently pulling your tongue forward may stimulate the nerves in your throat and stop hiccups.
4. 앉아서 무릎을 가슴으로 당기세요.
Sit down and pull your knees toward your chest.
Sit down and bring your knees to your chest.
이 자세를 몇분간 유지하세요
Keep this posture for a couple of minutes.
Maintain this posture for a couple of minutes.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 요령: 딸꾹질은 멈추는 방법 How to: How to stop Hiccups