It’s no surprise that [평서문]한 건 놀랍지 않다.
세리나가 최고 배우상을 탄 것은 놀랍지도 않아
It’s no surprise that Serena won the best actress.
It’s no surprise that Serena won best actress.
미국내에 비만율 obesity rate이 증가하는 것은 놀랍지도 않다.
It’s no surprise that there is an increase in 비만율 in the US.
It’s no surprise that the obesity rate in the US is going up.
그들의 학생들이 영어를 잘 하는 건 놀랍지도 않네
It’s no surprise that their students speak English well.
It’s no surprise that their students speak good English.
admit 인정하다
struggle 힘겹게 노력하다
work-life balance 워라벨
우선사항 priority
approach 접근하다
work out (일이)잘 풀리다
fine 가는;고운
fine dust 미세먼지
thought 생각(명)
thinking 생각의 방식
make time 시간을 내다
너 날 위해서 시간을 좀 내 줄 수 있어?
Can you make some time for me?
Can you make time for me?
난 내 조카를 보기 위해 시간을 냈어
I made time to see my niece.
I made time to see my niece.
block out time 시간을 비워두다
(중요한 일을 위해서 시간을 남겨두다)
마유는 일련의 교재들을 쓰기 위해서 시간을 비워뒀어
Mayu blocked out time to write a series of textbooks.
Mayu blocked out time to write a series of textbooks.
세리나는 그 클라이언트와 회의를 하기 위해서 시간을 비워뒀어
Serena blocked out time to have a meeting with the client.
Serena blocked out time to have a meeting with the client.
There is a fine line bewteen A and B
A와 B는 한 끗 차이다
사랑과 증오는 한 끗 차이다
There is a fine line between love and hate.
There is a fine line between love and hate.
세린쌤: To hate someone requires so much energy, and it has to have come from loving them before.
마유쌤: Right. If you don’t care about the person, you won’t hate him or her.
자신감과 오만은 한 끗차이다
There is a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance.
There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance.
[Five Golden Sentences]
( ) 인정하고 싶다.
I want to admit
I want to admit
(수년간 일과 삶의 균형을 잘 유지하기 위해 힘겹게 노력해왔다는 걸)
for years I’ve been struggling to maintain decent work-life balance.
that for years I’ve struggled to maintain a good work-life balance.
내 가족과 커리어가 항상 최우선 사항이었기에
My family and career have always been my priority.
My family and career have always been my top priorities.
나 자신을 돌보는 데 충분한 시간을 쓰지 않았는 게 놀랍지도 않다.
So it’s no surprise that I don’t spend enough time caring myself.
So it’s no surprise that I don’t spend enough time taking care of myself.
하지만 요즘
But these days,
But these days,
스스로 돌봄이라는 개념에 다른 방식으로 접근하고 있다.
I have been approaching a concept of self-care in a different way.
I have been approaching self-care in a different way
나 자신을 위해 시간을 낼 필요가 있다고 스스로에게 말하는 대신에
Instead of telling myself I need to make time for myself,
Instead of just telling myself I need to make time for myself,
실제로 그렇게 하려고 시간을 비워둔다.
I actually block out time to do it.
I actually block out time to do so.
이건 내게 잘 되고 있고,
It has been working out well for me
This has been working out well for me
나로 하여금 생각과 행동은 한 끗차이라는 걸 깨닫게 만들었다.
and it’s made me realize that there is a fine line between thought and action.
and it’s made me realize that there is a fine line between thought and action.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 There is a fine line between thought and action.