EBS 라디오 어학당 Easy Writing 다시듣기
cause [목적어] [명사] = [목적어]에게 [명사]를 겪게 하다
저희는 당신에게 불편함을 겪게해서 참 죄송합니다.
We are really sorry for causing you inconvenience.
We are sorry for causing you inconvenience.
나의 아주 작은 실수가 우리 회사에게 엄청 손실을 겪게 했다.
My tiny mistake causes our company a huge damage.
My tiny mistake causes our company huge loss.
그 도로공사는 우리에게 수면방해 sleep disruption를 겪게끔 했습니다.
The road construction caused us sleeping disorder.
The road construction cuased us sleep disruption.
department 부서,
copy machine 복사기
S: Have you ever put your face on the copy machine?
report 보고하다 I'm reporting a problem
occupy 차지하다
frustration 실망감;좌절감 (스스로 느끼는 감정에 집중)
wasted 낭비된
transfer 옮기다; 이체하다
a great deal 많이
for a while 한동안
(*짧은/긴 기간 모두 , 짧은 기간일 경우 "just" for a while)
나 한동안 없을거야
I will be out for a while.
I will be gone for a while.
우린 텍사스로 향하기 전에 한동안 시카고에 머물거야
We'll stay in Chicago for a while before heading to Texas.
We are going to stay in Chicago for a while before heading to Texas.
were/was going to 하려고 했다 (실제로 안 했다의 의미)
세리나를 전화로 병가를 알리려고 했어
Serina was going to inform her sick leave on phone.
Serina was going to call in sick.
나는 춤을 추지 않으려고 했지만, 그 느낌이 너무 강했어
I was not going to dance but the feeling was so strong.
I was not going to dance but the feeling was too strong.
turn to [명사]에 도움을 청하다
우린 도움을 청하려고 마유에게 돌아섰어
We turned to 마유 for help.
We turned to 마유 for help.
난 세리나에게 조언을 청했어
I decided to turn to 세리나 for advice.
I decided to turn to 세리나 for advice.
[Five Golden Sentences]
디자인 부서가 5층에 있는 복사기를 한동안 저희와 함께 써오고 있습니다.
The design department has been sharing the copy machine on the 5th floor with us for a while
The design department has been sharing the copy machine on the 6th floor with us for a while.
저희 직원 중 한명이 가끔 그들이 여러 시간동안 그 복사기를 차지한다고 보고했습니다.
One of our staff members reported that they occupy the copy machine for hours sometimes.
One of our staff members reported that they occupy the machine for hours sometimes.
그건 저희에게 많은 실망감과 시간낭비를 불러왔습니다.
It has caused us a lot of frustration and wasted time.
It has casued us much frustration and wasted time.
다른 복사기를 쓰라고 부탁하라고 했지만, 그건 타부서의 그 문제를 전가하기만 할 겁니다.
We were going to ask them to use the other machine, but it may only transfer the problem to the other department.
We were going to ask them to use the other machines, but it would only transfer the problem to the other departments.
저희를 돕기 위해 많은 것을 해주시는 걸 알고 있기에 부장님께 도움을 청할 수 있을 거라 생각했습니다.
I know you do a great deal of help us so I thought I could turn to you.
I know you do a great deal to help us so I thought I could turn to you.
Serina's feeling: Sounds like a very reasonable request.
[Pop Quiz]
그는 그의 여자친구에게 너무 많은 고통을 겪게 했어
He caused his girlfriend a great deal of agony.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 상사에게 도움 요청 Please help us resolve this problem.