Chef 마유’s How to Boil Chicken Breasts
You don’t want to [동사원형]하지 않은 게 좋을 거예요(추측)
당신은 당신의 원피스에 대해서 오버하지 않은 게 좋을 거예요
You don’t want to go overboard with your one-piece.
You don’t want to go overboard with your dress.
당신은 머리를 너무 짧게 자르지 않은 게 좋을 거예요.
You don’t want to cut your hair too short
You don’t want to cut your hair too short.
마유 옆에 앉지 않는 게 좋을 거예요
You don’t want to sit next to 마유.
You don’t want to sit next to 마유.
boneless 뼈가 없는 skinless 껍질이 제거된
breast 가슴살, pot 냄비
broth 우려낸 국물;육수
chicken broth, beef broth
simmer (격하게) 부글부글 끓다
tough 질긴 <-> tender 연하고 부드러운
(chewy 잘 씹히지 않은)
overcooked 과하게 익혀진
<-> undercooked 덜 익혀진
Don’t be [형용사]하지 마세요
수줍어 하지마. 우리에게 너의 실력을 보여줘
Don’t be shy. Show us what you have.
Don’t be shy. Show us what you’ve got.
그렇게 초조해 하지마,
Don’t be nervous with it.
Don’t be so uptight about it
be afraid to [동사원형]하는 게 두렵다
스스로를 위해서 당당히 말하는 걸 두려워 하지마
Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself.
Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself.
난 그에게 뭐가 벌어졌는지 물어보는 게 두려워
I’m afraid to ask him what happened.
I’m afraid to ask him what happened.
2021.02.26 - [2021.02.26.Fri] [Easy Writing] Serina's Diary: It will only make you stronger
[2021.02.26.Fri] [Easy Writing] Serina's Diary: It will only make you stronger
Be afraid to [V]두려워하다 Don't be afraid to fall Serina told us don't be afraid to make mistakes. At first, I was afraid to talk with to women. ================================ lose, idea, perfect..
bring [명사] to a boil = [명사]를 끓을 때까지 두다.
그 우유를 끓을 때까지 두세요
Bring the milk to a boil.
Bring the milk to a boil.
그 면을 추가하기 전에, 물을 끓을 때까지 두세요
Bring the water to a boil before adding the noodle.
Bring the water to a boil beofre adding the noodles.
[Five Golden Sentences]
1 단계: 뼈와 껍질이 제거된 닭가슴살을 큰 냄비에 넣으세요
Phase 1 : Place boneless and skinless chicken breasts into a big pot.
Step 1: Place boneless and skinless chicken breasts in a large pot.
2 단계: 소량의 소금과 후추를 첨가하세요.
Step 2: Add a pinch of salt and peppa.
Step 2: Add a pinch of salt and peppa.
원하신다면 두려워말고 다른 양념도 넣으세요
Don’t be afraid to use other seasonings if you want.
Don’t be afraid to use other seasonings if you like.
3 단계: 1인치의 물이나 육수로 닭을 덮고 끓을 때까지 두세요
Step 3: cover the chicken with an inch of water or broth and bring it to a boil.
Step 3: cover the chicken with one inch of water or broth and bring it to a boil.
4 단계: 물이 끓는 점에 달하면 불을 줄이고, 몇분 더 끓게 두세요
Step 4: When the water reaches a boil, reduce the heat and bring it to a boil for a few minutes more.
Step 4: When the water reaches a boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for a few more minutes.
* boil 팔팔 끓이다
* simmer 지글지글 끓다 tiny little bubble
5단계: 닭이 퍽퍽해지거나 질겨지지 않게 자주 확인하세요.
Step 5: Check your chicken frequently not so as to be dry or tough.
Step 5: Check your chicken often, so it doesn’t get dry or tough.
지나치게 익히지 않은 게 좋을 거예요.
You don’t want it to be overcooked.
You don’t want it to be overcooked.