EBS 라디오 오디오 5dang.ebs.co.kr
하루 5문장 쉽고 재밌게 배우는 영작문 프로그램
Easy Writing 이지 라이팅
진행: 마스터 유진 Master Eugene, 세리나 황 Serina Hwang
Easy Writing 리뷰; 황타스틱 커피숍 후기 (2)
Hwangtastic Coffee Shop is my go-to spot.
황타스틱 커피숍은 제가 즐겨 찾는 장소입니다.
particular about [명사]에 대해서 까다롭다
* pick는 부정적인 느낌,
* particular는 neutral(중성적/중립적)한 느낌
내 남편은 그가 먹는 것에 대해 까다로워
My husband is particular about what he eats.
My husband is particular about what he eats.
세린쌤: So, when I read this sentence, I get the feeling that this persons’s husband, you know, maybe likes to eat very healthy food, or they like to eat a certain type of food
마유쌤: They could also be a vegetarian.
내 여자친구는 그녀가 입는것에 대해 까다로워
My girlfriend is particular about what she puts on.
My girlfriend is particular about what she wears.
세린쌤: Here, the girlfriend sounds like she is just a fashionista.
내 여동생은 와인에 대해 까다로워
My sister is particular about wine.
My sister is particular about wine.
세린쌤: So, she really knows her wine.
마유쌤: 이 세개의 예문 중에 저에게 해당되는 것이 하나도 없다는 게 굉장히 슬프네요ㅎㅎ
세린쌤: Yes, you are not very particular about what you eat.
마유쌤: Anything
세린쌤: Whatever I buy you, you love.
truthfully 솔직히 consume 섭취하다
drink 음료;술
overpriced 값이 과하게 매겨진
세린쌤: compared to value, the price is a little too high.
regardless 그와 상관없이
surprisingly 놀라울 정도로
go-to spot 즐겨찾는 장소
(go-to 항상 가는)
chitchat 수다
meet up with [명사]와 만나다.
meet 딱딱한/포멀한/처음 비즈니스 미팅 때,
see 대신 가볍게 편하게 만날 때는 meet up
나 내 고등학교 친구들 만났어
I met up with my high school friends.
I met up with my high school friends.
나 다가오는 파티에 대해서 얘기하기 위해서 세리나랑 만나
I’m meeting up with Serina to discuss the upcoming party.
I’m meeting up with Serina to talk about the upcoming party.
a pain in the neck 골치 아픈 일/사람
매일아침 맨하탄으로 통근해야 하는 건 골치 아픈 일이야
It’s a pain in the neck that we have to commute to Manhattan every morning
Having to commute to Manhattan every morning is a pain in the neck.
내 남동생은 엄청 골치 아픈 녀석이야
My younger brother is really a pain in the neck
My bother is such a pain in the neck.
20.11.10.화 He is a pain in the neck. 그는 골칫거리야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Tuesday, the 10th of November. Don't be in such a hurry to move up a level. You needn't to hurry up. Consentrate on the level you..
though 그래도;하지만 (주로 문장 뒤쪽, 평서문/의문문 모두 가능)
근데, 하지만, 그는 내 타입이 아닐 걸
He is not my type, though.
He is not my type, though.
난 그래도 여전히 저 노란색이 맘에 드는데,
I’m still into the yellow one, though.
I still like that yellow one, though.
[Five Hwangtastic Sentences]
솔직히 제가 섭취하는 커피량을 고려하면,
Truthfully, considering the amount of coffee that I consume
Truthfully, considering the amount of coffee I consume
음료값이 약간 과하긴 해요.
their drinks are a little bit overpriced.
their drinks are a little bit overpriced.
그렇다 하더라도, 일하기 위해 오랫동안 테이블을 차지할 계획이라면, 여전히 이곳을 추천해요
Regardless, I still recommend this place, if you plan to take a table for a long time to work.
Regardless, I still recommend this place, if you plan to occupy a table for a long time to do work.
저는 마시는 것에 꽤나 까다로운 편인데, 여기 커피는 놀라울 정도로 신선하고 맛있어요
I’m particular about what I drink and their coffee is surprisingly fresh and tasty.
I’m pretty particular about what I drink and their coffee is surprisingly fresh and delicious.
친구들과 일상적인 수다를 위해 만나고 싶을 때, 즐겨 찾는 곳이기도 해요
It’s also my go-to spot when I want to meet up with my friends for chitchat
It’s also my go-to spot when I want to meet up with my friends for casual chitchat.
그래도 주차는 정말 골치 아플 수 있으니깐,
Parking can be such a pain in the neck, though.
Parking can be a real pain in the neck, though.
차는 가져오지 않으려고 해보세요.
So, try not to take your car there.
So, try not to bring your car there.
이번 주말에 애슐리랑 만나래?
Do you want to meet up with Ashley this weekend?
[내 맘대로 영작문]
이지 라이팅은 제가 즐겨찾는 영어 학습 프로그램입니다.
Easy writing is my go-to English learning show.
English is not a pain in the neck anymore since I started my learning with Easy Writing.
Easy Writing has never been disappointing me who is a bit particular about something both time-efficient and time-effective.
Truthfully, Easy Writing is more likely an all-in-one learning program that incorporates reading, speaking and listening, not just dedicated to writing.
So I'd like to recommend Easy Writing for its well organized curriculum to those of you who want to feel the actual fruits of your learning.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 리뷰; 황타스틱 커피숍 후기 (2) Hwangtastic Coffee shop is my go-to spot.