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21.10.15.금 입이 트이는 영어 Quarantining at Home 자가격리

by Namaskara 2021. 10. 15.

[Speaking]Describe your experience of quarantining at home because of COVID 19
I received a word that there was a confirmed case of covid 19 at the pilates studio I go to. I got tested for covid and the result was negative. But the very next day I got the bad news that I had to self-quarantine for 2 two weeks since I was in close contact with a confirmed patient. I went to into quarantine in my room and I had to work from home. I had to be extra careful since I live with my family. To be honest, I felt wronged during my quarantine. After all, my test result was negative. I always wore mask while exercising. And I had even got my shots. I had to report my temperature and whether I had any abnormal symptoms to a civil servants who handled my case. Sometimes, I received the visit to check If I was quarantining properly at home. I was told to keep all my garbarge in my room and throw it out all at once when my quarantine ended.
내가 다니는 필라테스 스튜디오에서 코로나 확진자가 나왔다는 연락을 받았다. 코로나 검사를 받았고, 그 결과는 음성으로 나왔다. 그러나 바로 다음 날 확진자와 밀접접촉을 했기 때문에 2주간 자가격리를 해야한다는 청천벽력과 같은 소식을 들었다. 그래서 내 방에서 격리를 시작해서 재택근무를 해야 했다. 가족들과 함께 살고 있었기 때문에, 더더욱 주의를 기울여야 했다. 솔직히 좀 억울한 마음도 들었다. 검사결과 음성이었고, 운동하는 동안 항상 마스크를 착용했다. 또 백신 접종도 모두 마쳤다. 격리기간 동안, 체온과 이상증상 여부를 담당공무원에게 보고해야 했다. 집에서 잘 격리하고 있는지, 가끔씩 확인하러 오시기도 했다. 쓰레기를 방에 보관했다가, 격리가 끝나면 한꺼번에 배출해달라는 요구도 있었다.

abnormal symptoms 이상증상
felt wronged 불공정한 대우를 받는다는 생각
go into quarantine 격리를 시작하다
be in quarantine 자가격리 중이다
self-quarantine 자가격리를 하다
receive word that ~라는 연락을 받았다.
be in close contact with ~와 밀접접촉을 하다

The result was negative 결과가 음성이다.
결과가 음성이어서 다음 날에 출근했습니다.
The result was negative and I went to work next day.
I went to work next day because the result was negative.
나는 결과가 음성이라는 문자메시지를 받았습니다.
I got the text saying that the result was negative.
I got a text message saying that the result was negative.

be in close contact 밀접 접촉하다.
환자와 밀접접촉을 했다면, 검사를 받아보는 것이 좋습니다.
You should get tested if you were in close contact with a patient.
If you have been in close contact with a patient, you should get a test.

work from home 재택근무하다
점점 더 많은 회사들이 직원들의 재택근무를 허용하고 있습니다.
More and more companies are allowing employees to work from home.
More and more companies are allowing employees to work from home.


  I'm on edge about all the new covid-10 variants. 변종바이러스 때문에 걱정이야
M That's right. You never know when a new variant is emerged. 언제 변이종이 나올지 몰라
F There are even cases of breakthrough infections of fully vaccinated people. 백신 접종 완료해도 돌파감염사례가 있어
M I've heard that. 나도 들었어
F Have you gotten your shot? 백신 접종했어?
M I've got my first dose but I'm still waiting for my second. 1차는 맞았고, 2차는 기다리는 중이야

** on edge 긴장되다;걱정하다
** dose=jab=shot 접종

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입이 트이는 영어 Quarantining at Home 자가격리

