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21.10.12.화 입트영 Bringing a Child to and from School 아이 등하교시키기

by Namaskara 2021. 10. 12.

[Speaking] Talk about Your Child to School and Back.
As a working mom, I've never had a chance to take my kids to school or bring them back again.
Even there was a sudden downpour, my kids borrowed umbrellas on their own or came home soaked in rain.
My youngest child, now in first grade, went to and from school with her older sisters. But because of the coronavirus, I went to on childcare leave a few month ago. So these days I sometimes go to pick up my kids at school at the end of the school day. As I wait, I'm filled with anticipation for them to come out. I am on tenterhooks when I don't see them, worried that we might have missed each other. But then, when our eyes meet and my daughter runs to me smiling with her arms outstretched, I feel glad I came out to meet her.

워킹맘이라서 아이들을 학교에 데려다 주거나 데려다 올 기회가 없었다. 심지어 갑자기 폭우가 쏟아진 날도 아이들은 스스로 우산을 빌리거나, 비에 흠뻑 젖어서 집에 왔다. 1학년인 막내도 언니들과 함께 등하교를 했다. 그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에 몇달전에 육아휴직을 냈다. 그래서 요즘은 가끔씩 학교 수업이 끝날 때 즈음, 아이들을 데리러 학교에 간다. 기다리면서, 아이들이 나오길 기대감으로 가득찼다. 그러나 아이들이 안 보여서 길이 엇갈렸을까봐 초조했다. 그런데 눈이 마주쳐서, 딸이 팔을 활짝 펼치고 웃으면서 나에게 달려왔을 때, 마중나온 것에 보람을 느낀다.

be on tenterhooks 초조해지다
at the end of the day 1)하루의 끝에 2) 궁극적으로;결국에는
soak 흠뻑 젖다
soaked in rain 비에 흠뻑 젖다
soaked in sweat 땀으로 흠뻑 젖다.
downpour = heavy rainfall 폭우
childcare leave 육아 휴직
maternity leave 출산 휴직

have a chance to ~할 기회가 있다.
나는 그녀를 직접 만나볼 기회가 있었다
I had a chance to meet her in person.
I had a chance to meet her in person.
출장 중에 그 박물관에 가 볼 기회가 있었다.
I had a chance to visit the museum during my business trip.
I had a chance to visit the museum during a business trip.

go on childcare leave 육아휴직은 내다
요즘 육아휴직을 쓰는 아빠들이 점점 더 많아지고 있다.
These days more and more fathers are going on childcare leave.
More and more dads are going on childcare leave.

be on tenterhooks 긴장한/초조한
시험성적을 받는 날에 굉장히 초조했다.
I was on tenterhooks on the day when I got the test results.
I was on tenterhooks on the day when I received my test results.
그녀가 전화를 하기 전까지는 너무 초조했다.
I was really on tenterhooks before she called me.
I was on tenterhooks until she called me.


M Your son started in elementary school, right? 아들이 초등학교 들어갔지?
F Yes. He started early this year. 올해 초에 입학했어
M How does he commute to and from school? 등하교를 어떻게 해?
F Oh, my husband and I both work, so my mom goes on school runs. 우리 부부 모두가 일해서, 어머니가 데려다 줘
M I see 그렇구나
F It's a good thing my mother lives nearby. 어머니가 근처에 사셔서 다행이야.

** go on school runs 데려주고 데려오다
** It's a good thing 다행이다.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr
입이 트이는 영어 Bringing a Child to and from School 아이 등하교시키기

