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21.11.04. 목 COVID-19 Prevention Measures in Schools 학교의 코로나 방역 조치 _ 입이 트이는 영어

by Namaskara 2021. 11. 4.

현석쌤: Let me ask you a question to get this going for today. How many times does your son go to school? He is in first grade, right?
제니쌤: Yes. He started elementary. He is in grade 1 and he goes to school every day.
현석쌤: Every day?
제니쌤:Yes. In the beginning when he started school in August this year, he did have to take virtual classes.
현석쌤: Those remote learning.
제니쌤:Remote classes for about 2 ~ 3 weeks and then he started going to school.
현석쌤: But a lot of school have quota in terms of how many students can be in school to take classes these days. Those are some government guidelines and policies
제니쌤: Which have to be followed.
현석쌤: That's right
제니쌤:I believe, up to I guess, second or third graders, they go to school every day and then above that some go twice a week, maybe once a week. ### different for different grades and different age groups.
현석쌤: ### varies from regions to region, I believe.
제니쌤:Sure, of course.
현석쌤: varies from school district to school district.

[Speaking] Talk about COVID-19 Prevention Measures in Schools.
It has been almost a year and a half since COVID-19 turned our lives upside down. Many people are doing their utmost to get through this difficult time. The vaccination rate in Korea is rising steadily, and people are starting to hope for returning a return to normalcy.
In schools, too, teachers and students are adjusting to this new environment in their own ways. They are trying their best to follow COVID-19 prevention guidelines.
Remote learning is conveninet for students, but it seems many prefer to return to school. I hope that we'll soon be rid of coronavirus concerns, so that students can go back to school in high spirits.
COVID 19가 우리 삶을 크게 바꿔놓은지도 거진 1년 반이 다 되갑니다. 많은 사람들이 이려운 시간을 이겨내기 위해서 혼신의 힘을 다하고 있다. 국내 백신 접종률이 꾸준히 올라가면서 정상적인 삶으로의 복귀에 대한 희망이 생기고 있다. 일선 학교에서도 선생님과 학생들이 이런 새로운 환경에 나름대로의 방식으로 적응해가고 있다. 코로나-19 방역 지침을 잘 지키려고 최선을 다하고 있다. 학생들은 원격 수업이 편하긴 하지만 많은 학생들이 학교에 다시 다니는 것을 더 좋아하는 것 같다. 학생들이 즐겁게 학교로 돌아갈 수 있도록, 하루빨리 코로나 걱정없이 살 수 있으면 좋겠다.

get rid of 없애는 (행위)
be rid of 없는 (상태)
in high spirits; very cheerful mood 즐거운 마음으로
upside down 위 아래가 뒤집한
inside out 안으로 밖으로 뒤집혀진
You're wearing your T shirts inside out
(티셔츠 거꾸로 뒤집어 입었다.)
normal = state of being normal.
return to normal

turn someone's life upside down 삶을 크게 바꿔놓다.
새로운 도시로 이사가면 삶이 크게 바뀔 거에요
Moving to a new city will turn your life upside down.
Moving to a new city will turn your life upside down.
아이가 태어나서 내 삶이 크게 바꿨다.
Having a kid has turned my life upside down.
The birth of our child has turned my life upside down.
스마트폰이 개발되고 나서 사람들의 삶에는 큰 변화가 일어났다.
Inventing the smartphone has turned people's life upside down.
The invention of smartphones turned people's life upside down.

get through a difficult time 힘든 시기를 잘 이겨내다
취미가 있으면, 힘든 시기를 이겨내는 데 도움이 될 수 있다.
If you have a hobby, it would help you get through a difficult time.
Having a hobby can help you get through a difficult time.
힘든 시기를 이겨낼 수 있는 쉬운 방법은 없어요.
There is no easy way to get through a difficult time.
There is no easy way to get through a difficult time.

in high spirits 즐겁게 가벼운 마음으로
비가 오는데도, 우리는 전체적으로 즐거운 마음으로 출발했습니다.
Even if it rained, we went off in high spirits.
We set off in high spirits despite the rain.
그는 입원중이었지만, 마음은 좀 가벼운 것같다.
He was in the hospital but seems in high spirits.
He is still in the hospital but he seems to be in high spirits.

A: Are your kids going to in person classes now in school?
이제는 아이들이 학교가서 대면수업하지?
B: Yes. They've all returned to school. 응 모두 전면 등교해.
A: Thank goodness. That wasn't possible last semester, was it?
정말 다행이에요. 지난 학기에 그게 안됐지?
B: That's right. They stayed at home and had remote learning classes more often.
맞아. 집에 있었고, 화상수업을 듣는 경우가 더 많았어
A: That must have been for the best, in terms of safety.
안전면에서는 그게 최고였겠네
B: We are not completely out of woods, so I'm still worried about the coronavirus.
아직은 완전히 위험을 벗어난 게 아니라서 아직도 걱정돼
** be for the best 최상이다.
** out of woods (위험을) 벗어난

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입이 트이는 영어 COVID-19 Prevention Measures in Schools 학교의 코로나 방역 조치

