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21.11.02.화 Meal Kits 밀키트(가정 간편식) _ 입이 트이는 영어

by Namaskara 2021. 11. 2.

현석쌤: Because of COVID-19, we cook more often at home, and it has become a thing. We enjoy home cooked meals a lot. When you try to cook something, it’s a complicated process sometimes.
제니쌤: It’s sure. It takes a lot of time. It’s time consuming. Maybe you come home from work or, you know, a long day. You don’t really want to spend a lot of cooking. So in these cases, I think a lot of people turn to Food Delivery or even meal kits which can come in very handy.
현석쌤: What are meal kits?
제니쌤: Meal kits are what you basically have one bag or pack, for example. Above of all ingredients, you will need to throw in to, I guess, cook up one dish.
현석쌤: You chop a lot when you cook a dish.
제니쌤: That’s true.
현석쌤: 재료가 가지런히 정리되서, 양념까지 오는 걸 밀키트라고 많이 부르잖아요
제니쌤: The ingredients,for example, vegetables chopped out into, you know, the exact right size.
현석쌤: It saves you a lot of time.
제니쌤: Yeah. They do. But I prefer to, I guess, shop for groceries and throw in whatever I want. I don’t really turn to meal kits that often.
현석쌤: You just prefer to cook from scratch yourself.

[Speaking]Talk about Meal Kits 밀키트에 대해서 이야기해 주세요
The number of poeple in a household is decreasing and single person households are becoming increasingly common. Conveninent meal kits emerged as a result, to reduce the burden of having to cook at home. It’s a product tailor-made-for busy modern people. As a home-maker who must always worry about what dishes to prepare for my family each day, these meal kits are a lifesaver. I have to prep various ingredients to cook a dish and I often have leftovers. Meal kits solve these issues in one fell swoop. Meal kits are a big time-saver when cooking and their reasonable prices also make them appealing. For people who are always press for time, they are a great way to cook without all the hassle.
가족구성원의 수가 줄어들고 있다. 1인 가정은 점점 더 보편화되고 있다. 그 결과 집에서 음식을 해야한다는 부담을 줄이고자 밀키트가 등장했다. 바쁜 현대인에 안성맞춤인 제품이다. 매일 가족들을 위해서 어떤 음식을 준비할지 고민하는 주부의 입장에서는 밀키트의 등장은 반갑기만 하다. 요리를 하려면 여러 재료를 준비해야 하고, 재료가 남을 때가 많다. 밀키트가 이러한 문제를 단번에 해결해준다. 밀키트는 요리할 때 시간 절약을 해주고, 합리적인 가격도 매력적이다. 항상 시간에 쫓기는 사람들에겐, 밀키트는 번거로움없이 요리할 수 있는 좋은 방법이다.

hassle 번거로움
press for time 시간에 쫓기는
in one fell woop 단번에 all at once
swoop 새가 급강하하는 것
leftovers 단독일 경우 복수형
leftover pizza; leftover chicken
lifesaver; something that saves your life
home-maker 주부 (a housewife 보다 neutral)
tailor-made for 에게 안성맞춤인
household 가정;가계
household income 가계 소득

tailor-made for안성 맞춤인
There are many appliances that are tailor-made for people living alone.
1인 가구에 맞춘 가전제품이 많다.

a big time-saver 시간절약
출퇴근 시간에는 지하철을 타면은 시간이 단축된다.
Subway is a big time-saver for commuting.
Taking the subway is a big time-saver during rush hour.

press for time 시간이 촉박한;시간에 쫒기는
시간이 너무 촉박하면, 이 보고서 내일 마무리해도 된다.
If you are press for time, you can complete this report tomorrow.
If you are press for time, you can finish this report tomorrow.

A: A new meal kits shop popped up in our neighborhood.
우리 동네에 밀키트 전용 매장이 생겼어
B: Oh, really?
오, 정말??
A: Yes. I can never decide what to cook. I took a look and it’s great.
정말 뭐를 요리할지 결정을 못하겠어. 그래서 봤는데 좋더라.
B: Yes. Using a meal kit makes cooking is a breeze
밀키트를 이용하면, 요리가 쉬워
A: It’s also good that the flavor is consistent.
그리고 맛이 일정한 것도 좋아.
B: That’s a big selling point
그게 큰 장점이지.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입이 트이는 영어 Meal Kits 밀키트(가정 간편식)

