현석쌤: Do you remember the last time you actually went to a forest or any type of recreational forests with your family or yourself?
제니쌤: No exactly a forest, but yes my husband and I took our little boy and there was like a theme park in really fun activities a boy was able to enjoy.
현석쌤: Wasn’t necessarily a forest?
제니쌤: No.
현석쌤: Any arboretums that you’ve been to a botanical garden?
제니쌤: No. Not yet.
현석쌤: You should definitely take your kid. It’s beautiful.
제니쌤: We did it when he was tiny, but he doesn’t remember.
현석쌤: Maybe after COVID, all go there, right?
[Speaking] Talk about Recreational Forests
We are a multi-child family. Most rooms at hotels and vacation cabins are for four people or less. So when you go on vacation, using these lodging facilities is usually too much of a burden. So, when we do go on vacation, we usually visit a recreational forest. Various recreational forests in the mountains and coastal areas of Korea have lodgings for 6 or 8 as well as camping grounds. There is a wide range of options. Many recreational forests have distinctive features. The lodgings at some places have an exotic atmoshpere while others offer adventure play grounds or swimming pools. You can book a visit to recreational forests online on a first come, first serve basis. Some places select visitors through a random draw. People seem to prefer the outdoors these days due to COVID 19, so the competition rate is rising.
우리집은 다자녀가구입니다. 대부분 호텔이나 펜션의 방은 4인용 이하이다. 그래서 여행을 갔을 때, 이런 숙박시설은 너무 큰 부담이다. 그래서 휴가 갈 때는 주로 휴양림으로 간다. 산이나 해안지역에 있는 휴양림은 6~8인용 숙박실도 있고 캠핑장도 있다. 선택의 폭이 넓다. 특색있는 휴양림도 많다. 일부 지역의 숙박시설은 이국적인 분위기가 있고, 다른 곳에는 모험적인 놀이터나 수영장이 있다. 선착순으로 휴양림 방문을 인터넷에서 예약할 수 있다. 방문객을 무작위 추첨하는 곳도 있다. 코로나 19로 인해 요즈음은 사람들이 야외을 더 선호하는 것 같아서 경쟁율이 높아지고 있다.
ramdon draw 무작위 추첨
first come first serve 선착순
It is first come first serve 선착순이에요
exotic 이색적인;이국적인
현석쌤: not like something that you would see in your own country.
제니쌤: Something different, but different in good way.
lodge 숙박하다
vacation cabin 펜션
We are a big family 우리는 대가족이다.
lodging facilities 숙박 시설
저는 공항에 인접한 숙박시설을 주로 선호합니다
I prefer lodging facilities close to an airport.
I prefer lodging facilities that are close to the airport.
exotic 이국적인
많은 사람들이 제주도를 가는 이유가 이국적인 분위기 때문이다.
The exotic atmosphere in Jeju island has attracted many people.
Many people visit Jeju island to enjoy the exotic atmosphere.
Many people visit Jeju island because of its extoic atmosphere.
우리나라에도 분위기가 이국적인 여행지가 많다.
There are many tourist sites with an exotic atmosphere in Korea.
There are many travel locations with exotic atmospheres in Korea.
first come first serve 선착순
입장권은 무료지만 선착순이다.
The admission ticket is free, but it’s first come first serve.
The tickets are free, but they are first come first serve.
사람들은 선착순으로 그 공원에 입장할 수 있습니다.
People can get into the park on a first come first serve basis.
People can visit the park on a first come first serve basis.
A: I went a trip with my kids over the long weekend.
긴 연휴 동안 아이들 데리고 놀러갔다왔어
B: Oh! Really? Where did you go?
어디 갔었어?
A: We went to a recreational forest. It was a bit of drive, but it’s worth it.
휴양림에 다녔왔어. 꽤 운전해야했어. 그래도 갈 만 했어
B: Oh, I see. The kids must have had a blast.
아이들이 너무 재미있었겠네
A: Yes. The place was right next a mountain stream. It was great.
바로 계곡 옆에 있었어. 좋았어
B: Can you tell me where it was? I’d like to book a visit and took my kids, too.
어딘지 얘기해줄래? 나도 예약해서 아이들 데려가고 싶어.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입이 트이는 영어 Recreational Forests 휴양림
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