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21.10.28.목 Hobby Bands 밴드 동호회(직장인 밴드) _ 입이 트이는 영어

by Namaskara 2021. 10. 28.

현석샘: Do you play any musical instrument?
제니쌤: Oh no.
현석샘: No? You used to? Did you get any lesson when you were young?
제니쌤: Well, I took piano lessons.
현석샘: Me too.
제니쌤: I learned piano for 8 years but it's been so long since I quit it.. My boy is learning the piano right now.
현석샘: Does he go to piano lessons?
제니쌤: No. I have a teacher that comes by once a week and I can not play.
현석샘: Does he like learning how to play piano.
제니쌤: Yes. He seems to enjoy his classes.
현석샘: Now, if you take a step further, you can learn how to a musical instrument, but you can also join a band, perhaps.
제니쌤: I know, so exciting, isn't it?
현석샘: You can also do that as an adult.

[Speaking] Talk about Hobby Bands

I experienced band instruments for the first time when I signed up for the band club in high school. 고등학교때 밴드부에 가입해서 처음으로 밴드악기를 접하게 됐다.
A close friend badly wanted to play the drums and I somehow ended up going with him. 친한 친구가 드럼을 몹시 치고 싶다고 해서 어떨결에 함께 들어가게 된 것이다.
I picked up an electric guitar and learned to play it. 그래서 일렉기타 집어들고 연주하는 것 배웠다.
We met every day at lunchtime and at night to practice. 우리는 매일마다 점심시간과 밤에 만나서 연습했다.
I have fond memories of performing during school festivals. 학교 축제 때 공연한 애뜻한 추억도 가지고있다.
In college, I was so busy trying to land a job that I wasn't active in any bands. 대학때는 취업 준비로 너무 바빠서 밴드 활동을 안했다.
But I always had yearning for music. 그러나 늘 음악에 대한 갈망이 있었다.
Then, I found out by chance that there was an office workers' band alliance in my neighborhood. 그때, 우리 동네에 직장인 동호회 연합회가 있다는 것을 우연찮게 알게 됐다.
Hearing that beginners are welcome, I tried my hand at playing the bass for the first time. 초보자도 환영한다는 말에 처음으로 베이즈 연주에 도전했다.
I became a bassist for a band, and I have been active in the hobby band for over 5 years already 나는 베이스 기타리스트가 되었고, 벌써 5년 이상 밴드활동을 하고 있다.
Being in a band can appear difficult. But jamming with your bandmates feels fantastic. 밴드활동이 어려워 보일 수도 있다. 그러나 밴드멤버들과 이것저것 연주하는 것은 정말 재미있다.
I would highly recommend joining a band to anyone who is interested. 관심이 있다면, 밴드 가입을 강력히 추천한다

be active in [단체]에 활동하고 있다.
try at 시도해보다 attempting something for the first time.
find out by chance 우연찮게 발견하다
fond memery 애뜻한 메모리
land = (동)obtain, (명)땅
land a job = get a job
yearn 갈망 desire

experience for the first time 처음으로 경험하다
나는 10대때 비행기를 처음 타보았다.
I experienced boarding an airplane for the first time in my 10s.
I experienced air travel for the first time when I was teenager.
처음 접해보는 것이라면 조금 매울 수도 있습니다.
It would be a little bit spicy if you experience it for the first time.
It might a bit spicy if you're experiencing it for the first time.

fond memories 애틋한 추억
할아버지와 낚시를 다니던 좋은 추억있습니다.
I have fond memories of going fishing with my grandfather.
I have fond memories of going fishing with my grandfather.
누구나 고등학교 시절을 좋게 생각하는 것은 아니다
Not everyone has fond memories of high school.
Not everyone has fond memories of high school.

try one's hand at 처음으로 시도하다;도전하다
언제라도 새로운 취미에 도전하기에는 늦지 않습니다.
It's not late to try your hand at a new hobby anytime.
It's never late to try one's hand at a new hobby.


A What do you usually do on weekends? 주말에 보통 뭐해?
B I usually go to band practice with my bandmates. 밴드멤버들과 밴드 연습하러 가
A Really? Are you in a band? 정말? 밴드 활동해?
B Yes. I'm in a band with local office workers. 지역 직장인 동호회에 있어
A Is there such a thing? 그런게 있어?
B Sure. I found out about it 5 years ago and signed up right away. It's great. 응. 5년 전에 알게 돼서 바로 가입했어. 정말 좋아

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입이 트이는 영어 Hobby Bands 밴드 동호회(직장인 밴드)

