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21.11.10.수 Eye Infections 눈병 _ 입이 트이는 영어

by Namaskara 2021. 11. 10.

현석쌤: Do you remember the last time you had an eye infection when you problems with your eyes?
제니쌤: It would have been 20 + years ago. Very long time ago.
현석쌤: Did you get pink eyes?
제니쌤:I think so
현석쌤: Do your eyes get dry often?
제니쌤: But I wear contacts. You know from time to time maybe you know a few drops of artificial tears but my eyes don't tend to dry out very easily.
현석쌤: Mine neither.
현석쌤: My eyes get blood shots. Not that often, but every now and then. That's what happens
제니쌤: Sometimes when I sleep with my contacts. I wake up in the morning that ### my eyes really dry. Once I remove my contacts, you know, back to normal.

[Speaking] Talk about eye infections. 눈병에 대해서 이야기해주세요.

I recently caught an eye infection while I was working from home. 재택근무를 하던 중 최근에 눈병에 걸렸다.
I have no idea how I caught it. 어떻게 걸렸는지 알 수 없다.
At first, I just noticed that my eyes felt itchy. 처음에는 그냥 눈이 간지럽다고 느꼈다.
But then my eyes got crusty and later on they got puffy and red. 그러고 눈꼽이 끼고, 나중에 눈이 붓고 빨개졌다.
I went to see an eye doctor. The doctor said that I had broken blood vessels in my eyes and prescribed eye drops. 안과에 갔다. 의사가 실핏줄이 터졌다고 안약을 처방해줬다.
Working from home is hard enough as it is. 재택근무 자체가 힘들다.
Having an eye infection made it even harder to stay stare at a monitor all day. 눈병나서 하루종일 모니터를 쳐다보는 게 더 힘들었다.
A week later, my eyes returned to normal. They were less swellen and they weren't blood shot. 일주일 뒤에 눈이 정상으로 돌아왔다. 눈이 덜 붓고, 충혈되지 않았다.
But the very next day, the blood vessels were broken again. My eyes were even redder when I returned to the eye doctor's office. 바로 그 다음 날, 실핏줄이 또 터졌다. 안과를 찾아갔을 때, 눈이 더 빨개졌다.
I think I must have rubbed my eyes while putting on lotion. I kicked myself for the mistake. 내 생각에 로션을 바르면서 눈이 비볐던 게 틀림없다. 그 실수에 대해 너무 후회스러웠다.

kick oneself 후회스럽다
want to kick oneself (자조적으로)
I want to kick myself saying that. 입이 주책이야
blood shot 충혈
swell - swelled-swollen 붓다
Raising kids is hard enough as it is. 양육은 그 자체로 힘든 일이다.
catch/get an eye infection 눈병 걸리다.
crusty 약간 딱딱하고 바스러진; 눈꼽이 낀
puffy 부운
My face is a little puffy today.
(라면 먹고 자고 일어난 다음 날) 얼굴이 좀 부었다

puffy 붓다
너무 울어서 눈이 부었다.
I cried so much that my eyes got puffy.
My eyes got puffy because I cried so much.
** I cried my eyes out. 눈이 빠지도록 울었다.

stare 들여다보다/자세히보다/이것만 보다
제니쌤: If you stare at someone, you are giving them that mean look. (사람에게 사용할 경우, 기분 나쁘게 쳐다본다는 의미)
하루종일 모니터를 쳐다봤더니, 너무 치졌다.
Staring at a monitor all day made me so exhausted.
I was exhausted from staring at a monitor all day

rub one's eye 눈을 비비다.
눈을 비비면 병에 걸릴 수 있습니다.
Rubbing your eyes can get an infection.
You could get sick from rubbing your eyes.

A: Why are your eyes so bloodshot? 눈이 내 빨개?
B: I rubbed my eyes because they felt itchy, and this happened. 가려워서 비볐더니 이렇게 됏어
A: You should see an eye doctor. 안과 가봐
B: I plan to. I think it's getting worse. 그럴거야. 점점 심해지는 것 같아.
A: I caught an eye infection last year and it was no joke. 작년에 눈병 걸렸는데, 진짜 심각했어.
B: Oh, I see
** it was no joke 농담이 아니었다 => 진짜 심각했어; 장난 아니었어

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입이 트이는 영어 Eye infections 눈병

