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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.11.26.금 Please Wake up and smell the coffee. 제발 정신 차리고 현실을 직시해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 11. 26.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Friday the 26th of November.
You don’t have to be great to start something.
But you have to be start to be great.
Starting right now! Start speaking right now listeners with me!

오늘 친구에게 냉수 먹고 속차리고 할 때, 영어로?

직역: 제발 일어나서 커피 냄새를 맡아 (잠자리에서 일어나서 커피를 마시면 정신이 바짝 든다)
상황: 현실 감각이 없거나, 상황을 제대로 인식하지 못하고 딴 소리 하는 사람에게
의역: 냉수 먹고 속 차려=> 제발 정신 차리고 현실을 직시해

A: 제발 정신차리고 현실을 직시하게
Please wake up and smell the coffee.
Please wake up and smell the coffee
그는 사기꾼이라는 게 드러났네.
It turned out that he was a fraud.
He was revealed to be a fraud.
B: 믿을 수가 없구만.
It’s unbelievable.
It baggars belief.
그가 좋은 사람인 줄 알았는데,
I thought he was a good man.
I thought he was a good person.

** It baggars belief 믿음을 거지로 만든다 => 믿을 수 없다.

A: 제발 정신차리고 현실을 직시해
Please wake up and smell the coffee
Please wake up and smell the coffee
올해 졸업하고 싶으면,
if you want to graduate this year.
if you want to graduate this year.
B: 걱정하지 마세요. 한 학기 남았어요
Don’t worry. I have one semester left.
Don’t sweat it. I have one semester left.

[Try it Now]
제발 정신차리고 현실을 직시하게.
Please wake up and smell the coffee.
Please wake up and smell the coffee.
그는 간첩 secret agent이라는 게 드러났네
He was reveal to be a spy.
He was reveal to be a secret agent.

일찍 졸업하고 싶으면, 제발 정신차리고 현실을 직시해
Please wake up and smell the coffee if you want to graduate early.
Please wake up and smell the coffee if you want to graduate early

[Step By Step]
넌 정신차리고 현실을 직시할 필요가 있어.
You need to wake up and smell the coffee.
You need to wake up and smell the coffee.
You got it?
Do you understand?

넌 정신차리고 현실을 직시할거야.
You are going to wake up and smell the coffee.
You’ll have to wake up and smell the coffee.
세상은 매우 힘든 곳이야
The world is a very tough place.
The world is a very hard place.

그녀는 드디어 정신차리고 현실을 직시했어
She finally woke up and smelled the coffee.
She finally woke up and smelled the coffee.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 제발 정신차리고 현실을 직시해.
Please wake up and smell the coffee.
그는 기혼자라는 게 드러났어
He was revealed to be a married person.
B: 믿을 수가 없어. 그는 미혼일 줄 알았는데
It beggars belief. I thought he was single.

A:제발 정신차리고 현실을 직시해.
Please wake up and smell the coffee
제때 졸업하고 싶으면,
if you want to graduate in time.
B: 전혀 걱정하지 마세요. 한 학기 남았어요.
Don’t sweat it at all. I have one semester left.

21.09.14.화 Don't sweat it. 걱정하지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Tuesday the 14th of September. Listeners! Better late than never. It's better to do something late than not to do it at all. You just tune in to our program and #### to speak with me at thi..


[어휘 소화하기]
It beggars belief = It is unbelieveable.
예) It beggars belief that some people sing in the toilet.
=> 화장실에서 노래를 하는 사람들이 있다는 것은 믿기 어려워.

21.07.26.월 영국영어 It beggars belief. 도저히 믿을 수 없어.

Today is Monday, the 26th of July. If you say Monday blues, it means morning you don't feel to do anything. Let's don't even mention that. Why don't we say "Happy Monday" to each other. Here is your..


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Please Wake up and smell the coffee. 제발 정신 차라고 현실을 직시해.

