Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Weekly Review on Saturday the 27th of November.
I do know that you are exhausted and want to do nothing on this Saturday.
I do understand but we’ve learnt 5 different and important expressions this week.
You shouldn’t let them go. We’ve got to review those precious expressions.
2021.11.22.월 Over my dead body! 절대 안 돼!
A: 그러니깐 니 말을 정리하자면,
Let me get this straight,
Let me get this straight,
내 전 여자친구를 저녁식사에 초대하고 싶다는 거지?
You want to invite my ex to dinner?
You want to invite my ex to dinner?
절대 안 돼!
Over my dead body!
Over my dead body!
B: 우린 모두 친구야.
We are all friends.
We are all friends.
고정 관념을 깨자
Let’s break the mould.
Let’s break the mould.
A: 내 집으로 이사온다고?
Are you moving in to my house?
You are moving in to my house?
절대 안 돼!
Over my dead body!
Over my dead body!
B: 넌 아주 냉정한 사람이야.
You are cold as much as nails.
You are as hard as nails.
2021.11.23. 화 He tends to shoot from the hip. 그는 직설적으로 말하는 경향이 있지.
A: 아빠는 내가 인생의 대부분을 과체중이었다고 말씀하셨어
My dad said I was overweighted for most of my life.
My dad said I have been overweighted for much of my life.
B: 아빠는 직설적으로 말하는 경향이 있으니,
He tends to shoot from the hip,
He tends to shoot from the hip,
감정적으로 받아들이지 마
so don’t take it personally.
so don’t take it personally.
A: 난 그에 대해 이런 저런 얘기를 들었어
I’ve heard bits and bobs about him.
I’ve heard bits and bobs about him
B: 그는 직설적으로 말하는 경향이 있어.
He tends to shoot from the hip.
He tends to shoot from the hip.
명심해 둬.
Keep it in mind.
Keep that in mind.
2021.11.24. 수 I decided to jump on the bandwagon. 난 대세를 따르기로 결심했어.
A: 왜 이런 굽이 높은 롤러 스케이트를 신고 있니?
Why are you wearing such high heeled roller skaters?
Why are you wearing these high heeled roller skaters?
B: 아무런 기능은 없어.It has zero function.
They have zero function.
그런데 나는 유행을 따르기로 결심했단다.
But I decided to jump on the bandwagon.
But I decided to jump on the baddwagon.
A: 난 대세를 따라 유기농 식품을 광고하기로 결심했어.
I decided to jump on the bandwagon and advertise organic foods.
I deicded to jump on the bandwagon and advertise organic food.
B: 제발 하던 일이나 잘 해
Please just keep doing what you’ve been doing well.
Please don’t quit your day job.
2021.11.25.목 He got a taste of his own medicine. 그는 똑같이 되돌려 받았어.
A: 너 마침내 그에게 복수했구나. 잘 했어.
You finally got revenge on him. Good job.
You finally got revenge on him. Good job.
B: 그는 똑같이 되돌려 받았지
He got a taste of his own medicine.
He got a taste of his own medicine.
그래도 비밀 누설하지마.
Don’t spill the tea, though.
Don’t spill the tea, though.
A: 난 뒷끝은 없지만, 어제는 늦게 나갔어.
I don’t _____ but I went late yesterday.
I don’t hold a grudge, but I went out late yesterday.
B: 그는 항상 약속 시간에 늦은 거니깐,
He is always late for the promise,
He is always late for appointments,
똑같이 되돌려 받은거지.
so he got a taste of his own medicine.
so he got a taste of his own medicine.
2021.11.26. 금 Please wake up and smell the coffee. 제발 정신 차리고 현실을 직시해.
A: 제발 정신차리고 현실을 직시하게나.
Please wake up and smell the coffee.
Please wake up and smell the coffee.
그는 사기꾼이라는 게 들어났어
He was revealed to be a fraud.
He was revealed to be a fraud.
B: 믿을 수가 없구만. 그가 좋은 사람인 줄 알았는데.
It beggars belief. I thought he was a good person.
It beggars belief. I thought he was a good person.
A: 정신차리고 현실을 직시할 때야.
It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.
It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.
B: 엄마. 근데 내가 집중할 수 가 없어요.Mum, but I can’t concentrate.
But I can’t concentrate.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 11/22~11/26