within [기간/시간] of [~ ing] 한지 [기간/시간]도 안되어
그들은 그 가스실에 들어간지 5분도 안되서 포기했어.
They gave up within 5 minutes of getting into the gas room.
They gave up within 5 minutes of entering the gas chamber.
너 그 사우나 들어간지 1분도 안되서 도로 나올거야.
You'll get out within 1 minute of entering the sauna.
You'll come back out within a minute of entering the sauna.
그들은 그 전투에 참여한지 3일도 안되서 항복했어.
They surrendered within 3 days of engaging the battle.
They surrendered within 3 days of engaging in the battle.
comfortable 편안한 mailman 우체부
outdoors 실외에서
lifesaver 곤경을 벗어나게 해주는 것
Boy! 이런 (감탄)
What's worse 설상가상으로
warmth 따뜻함
disappointed 실망한
agree that [평서문]이라는 것에 동의하다
우리는 모두는 힘든 몇년이었다는 것에 모두 동의합니다.
We all agree that it has been tough for years.
We all agree that it has been a rough couple of years.
넌 클로이가 보너스를 받을 만하다고 동의하니?
Do you agree that Cloe deserves getting a bonus?
Do you agree that Cloe deserves bonus?
I hoped [평서문]이길 바랬어요.
나는 니가 나타나길 바랬어.
I hoped you appeared.
I hoped you would show up.
난 그녀가 그 얘길 꺼내지 않기를 바랬어
I hoped that she wouldn't bring it up.
I hoped that she wouldn't bring it up.
20.12.22.화 Don’t even bring that up. 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 22nd of December. How to study language effectively. There are common mistakes to avoid when you study: spend all your..
for the price 그 가격에
난 그 가격에 그게 훨씬 내구성이 있길 기대했어.
For the price, I expected it to have a better durability.
For the price, I expected it to be way more durable.
그 호텔은 가격 치고는 너무 허름한 정도는 아니었어.
The hotel was not so poor for the price.
The hotel wan't too shabby for the price.
[Five Golden Sentences]
편한 양말입니다.
These are comfortable socks.
These are comfortable socks.
그건 인정해드리죠
I give you that.
I give you that.
하지만, 발을 따뜻한 게 유지한다는 것에는 동의할 수 없어요.
But I can't agree that they keep my feet warm.
But I can't agree that they keep my feet warm.
전 실외에서 많은 시간 일하는 우체부라서
I'm a mailman working a lot of time outdoors
I'm a mailman working many hours outdoors
이 양말이 절 살려주길 바랬어요.
so I hoped that these would be my lifesaver.
so I hoped that these would be a lifesaver.
이런, 완전 틀렸죠.
Boy, I was completely wrong.
Boy, was I wrong!
걸음을 내딛을 때마다,
Every time I step out,
Every time I take a step,
열이 켜졌다가 꺼졌다.
the heat is on and off.
the heat goes on and off
What's worse,
What's worse,
밧데리들이 엄청 빨리 소모되어서
the batteries are consuming so fast
the batteries run out so fast
신은지 30분도 안되어 발이 다시 차가워져요
that my feet get cold again within 30 minutes of putting on them.
that my feet get cold again within 30 minutes of wearing them.
그 가격에 ( ) 더 따뜻하길 기대했는데,
For the price, I expected them to provide more warmth
For the price, I expected them to provide more warmth
(일반 양말보다는)
than ordinary socks do.
than regular socks do.
I'm disappointed.
I'm disappointed.
그는 걸은지 3분도 안되어 실신했어.
He fainted within 3 minutes of walking.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 제품 후기: 불타는 보온 양말(2) Burning Feet Socks Review (2) 이지 라이팅