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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.12.20.월 Easy Writing 제품 후기: 불타는 보온 양말(1) Burning feet socks review (1)

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 20.

24/7 내내 쉴새없이
대부분의 편의점들은 24시간 내내 열려있어.
Most covenience stores are open 24/7.
Most covenience stores are open 24/7.
저희 고객 서비스는 24시간 내내 대기중입니다.
Our customer service is available 24/7.
Our customer service is on call 24/7.
저희 서버들은 24시간 내내 작동하고 있습니다.
Our servers are operating 24/7.
Our servers are running 24/7.
pair 켤레, 쌍
warm 따뜻한
soaked 흠뻑(흥건하게) 젖은
sweat 땀
drawback 결점
smelly 냄새가 나는
stinky 악취가 나는
indoors 실내에서
recharge 충전하다

be attached to [명사]에 붙어있다.
<-> be detached from 떨어지다
그 창문에 경고 표시가 붙어있었어
A warning sign was attached to the window.
A warning sign was attached to the window.
그건 마치 그의 머리에 야구 모자가 영구적으로 붙어 있는 것 같았어.
It's like a baseball cap was attached to his head eternally.
It was like his baseball cap was permanantly attached to his head.

quite a while 꽤 오랫동안
그의 농담들에 익숙해지는데, 꽤 오랫 시간이 걸렸어.
It took quite a while to get used to his jokes.
It took quite a while to get used to his jokes.
난 꽤 오랜기간 동안 피터를 본 적이 없어.
I haven't seen Peter for quite a while.
I haven't seen peter in quite a while

overnight 밤 사이에
그 노숙자는 밤 사이에 백만장자가 됐어.
The homelss became a millionnair overnight.
The homelss guy became a millionnair overnight.
우린 밤 사이에 눈이 엄청 왔어.
We had way much snow overnight.
We had so much snow overnight.

[Five Golden Sentences]

제가 신으려고 몇켤레 샀는데,
I bought a few pairs for myself,
I bought a few pairs for myself,
너무 좋아서 내내 발에 붙어있네요.
and I love them so much that they are attached to my feet.
and I love them so much that they are attached to my feet.

양말이 엄청 따뜻해서, ( ) 땀으로 흥건한 제 발을 발견을 해요
These socks are so warm that I found my feet soaked in sweat
These socks are so warm that I found my feet soaked with sweat
(벗을 때마다)
every time I take them off.
every time I take them off.

유일한 결점은 ( ) 발냄새가 날 수도 있다는 거예요.
The only drawback is that your feet can be smelly
The only drawback is that your feet could get smelly
(실내에서 신으면)
if you put them on indoors.
If you wear them indoors.

배터리 팩은 약간 무거운 느낌이지만,
The battery pack feels a little bit heavy,
The battery packs feel a bit heavy,
뭐 그 정도는 참을 수 있을 것같아요.
but I think I can live with it.
but I think I can live with that.

충천하는데 꽤 오래 걸리니깐,
It takes quite a while to recharge
It takes quite a while to recharge
밤 사이에 하는 걸 추천해요.
so I recommend you recharge them overnight.
so I suggest you recharge them overnight.

대부분의 주유소들은 내내 열려있어.
Most gas stations are open 24/7.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 제품 후기: 불타는 보온 양말(1) Burning feet socks review (1)

