세린쌤: Can you believe we are nearing Christmas?
마유쌤: I know. 믿을 수 가 없어요. How many days away? maybe 2 or 3 days?
세린쌤: Everybody is busy buying presents.
Have you ever wondered? 한번이라도 궁금한 적이 있나요?
당신이 우주 어떻게 탄생했는지 한번이라도 궁금해 본 적 있나요?
Have you ever wondered how the universe was born?
Have you ever wondered how the universe was born?
당신은 왜 마유가 항상 핑크색 마스크를 쓰는지 한번이라도 궁금해본 적 있나요?
Have you ever wondered why Mayu always wears a pink mask?
Have you ever wondered why Mayu always wears pink masks?
세린쌤: Let me answer that question because they are cheap.
마유쌤: cheaper than the black ones
세린쌤: And there is no shame in that.
당신은 마유가 어디에서 자신의 영감을 받는지 한번이라도 궁금한 적 있나요?
Have you ever wondered where Mayu is inspired?
Have you ever wondered where Mayu gets his inspiration from?
세린쌤: I think just from your daily life.
tradition 전통 stocking 긴 양말
Saint 성 St.
widower 홀아버지 widow미망인
broke 빈털털이 penniless
slide 미끄러지듯 가다
chimney 굴뚝
laundered 세탁된
Legend has it that [평서문]이라는 전설이 있습니다.
그 초록색 마녀가 실제로 존재한다는 전설이 있습니다.
Legend has it that the green witch actually exists.
Legend has it that the green witch actually exists.
마유라는 이름의 과학자가 타임머신을 발명했다는 전설이 있습니다.
Legend has it that a scientist named Mayu invented a time machine.
Legend has it that a scientist named Mayu invented a time machine.
Wouldn't be able to [동사]하지 못할 것이라고
** 과거를 기준으로 앞으로 뭘 못할 거라고
난 내가 결혼하지 못할 거라고 생각했어.
I thought I wouldn't be able to get married.
I thought I wouldn't be able to get married.
그는 자기가 제 시간에 졸업 못 할 걸 알고 있었어.
He knew he wouldn't be able to graduate in time.
He knew he wouldn't be able to graduate on time.
marry off [명사]를 시집보내다.
그 나이든 남자는 마침내 그의 딸들을 시집보냈다.
The old man finally married off his daughters.
The old man finally married off his daughters.
그 왕은 그들의 아들에게 그의 딸을 시집보내고 싶어한다.
The king wants to marry off his daughter to their son.
The king wants to marry off his daughter to their son.
[Five Golden Sentences]
( ) 한번이라도 궁금한 적이 있나요?
Have you ever wondered
Have you ever wondered
(크리마스에 긴 양말을 거는 전통이 어디에서 왔는지)
where the tradition hanging stockings during Christmas came from?
where the tradition of hanging up stocking during Christmas came from?
성 니콜라스가 불쌍한 홀아버지에 대해 들었을 때, 시작되었다는 전설이 있습니다.
Legend has it that it started when Saint Nicholas heard about a poor widower.
Legend has it that it started when Saint Nicholas heard about a poor widower.
그 불쌍한 남자는 자신이 빈털털이라 딸들을 시집보내지 못할거라고 걱정했습니다.
The poor man worried that he wouldn't be able to marry off his daughters because he was broke.
The poor man worried that he wouldn't be able to marry off his daughters because he was broke.
성 니콜라스 도와주고 싶어서, 밤에 그 가족의 집 굴뚝을 타고 미끄러져 내려갔습니다.
St. Nicholas wanted to help, so he slide through the chimney of the family's house at night.
St. Nicholas wanted to help, so he slid down the chimney of the family's house at night.
그리고 나서 난로 옆에 걸려있는 소녀들의 세탁된 긴 양말들을 금화로 채웠습니다.
Then, he filled the girls' laundered stockings hanging next to the fire with gold conins.
Then, he filled the girls' laundered stockings hanging by the fire with gold coins.
세린쌤: I had no idea because it really does feel a little bit random like "why do you hang up stocking?"
개들이 왜 짖는지 한번이라고 궁금한 적이 있나요?
Have you ever wondered why dogs bark?
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 정보: 크리마스에 대한 흥미로운 사실(1) Interesting Facts about Christmas (1)