have been [명사]여왔다.
앤젤리나는 세리나의 좋은 친구여왔어.
Angelina has been Serina’s good friend.
Angelina has been Serina’s good friend.
우리 오랜 기간 동안 좋은 친구여왔어.
We’ve been good friends for a long time.
We’ve been good friends for a long time.
당신은 멋진 상사여왔어요
You’ve been a nice boss.
You have been an awesome boss.
slip 슬며시 놓다
awake 깨어있는
세린쌤: Is she asleep or is she awake?
lie 거짓말 (복수형 lies)
convertible 오픈 카
yacht 요트
duplex 복층 아파트
check off 목록에서 지우다
세린쌤: I love checking off my to-do list.
wish list 소원 목록
in [색/사이즈]으로 된
마유는 초록색으로 된 스포츠카를 주문했어
Mayu ordered a convertible car in green.
Mayu ordered a sports car in green.
세리나는 금속으로 된 안경을 쓰고 있어.
Serina is wearing glasses in gold.
Serina is wearing glasses in gold.
fill [목적어] with [명사] = [목적어]를 [명사]로 채우다
(수동태 be filled with)
그들은 그 탱크를 휘발유로 채웠어.
They filled the tank with gasoline.
They filled the tank with gasoline.
산타가 내 긴 양말을 많은 선물들로 채웠어.
Santa filled my stocking with lots of gifts.
Santa filled my stocking with many presents.
just as [형용사] = 똑같이 [형용사]한
Spain어는 똑같이 재미있어.
Spanish is just as interesing.
Spanish is just as fun.
나는 너 만큼 피곤했어.
I was tired just as you.
I was just as tired as you.
[Five Golden Sentences]
산타 베이비, 그 나무 아래 선물을 슬며시 놓아주세요.
Santa baby, slip a present under the tree.
Santa baby, slip a gift under the tree.
당신은 굴뚝을 타고 내려올 때까지 깨어있을 거예요.
I will be awake until you come down along the chimney.
I will stay awake until you come down the chimney.
(stay awake = stay up)
전 착한 여자여왔어요.
I’ve been a good girl.
I’ve been a good girl.
제 말을 믿어요. 거짓말이 아니에요.
Trust what I say. It’s not a lie.
Believe what I say. It’s not a lie.
산타 베이비, 전 54년형 밝은 파란색 오픈 카를 원해요.
Santa Baby, I want a convertible car in light blue.
Santa Baby, I want a ’54 convertible in light blue.
핑크색 요트도 괜찮을 것같아요.
A yacht in pink would also be good.
A yacht in pink would be nice, too.
제 긴 양말을 복층 아파트와 수표로 채워주세요.
Fill my stocking with a duplex and checks.
Fill my stocking with a duplex and checks.
서명 란에 서명하는 걸 잊지 마세요.
Don’t forget to make a signiture on the line
Don’t forget to sign it on the line.
제 소원 목록에서 지워주시면,
If you check off my wish list,
If you check off my wish list,
내년에도 똑같이 착한 여자가 될 거라고 약속해요.
I promise I will be just as good next year.
I promise I will be just as good next year.
당신은 대단한 학생이어왔어요.
You’ve been a great student.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 노래: Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt / I’ve been a really good girl.