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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.12.28.화 Easy Writing 편지: 학생의 감사 편지에 대한 답장 The Teacher's Response to the student’s letter

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 28.

put one's trust in [목적어]를 신뢰하다 (더 진지)
** trust me 나를 믿어줘
나는 항상 당신을 신뢰합니다.
I always put my trust in you.
I always put my trust in you.
당신은 저희를 신뢰하셔도 돼요.
You can put your trust in us.
You can put your turst in us.
나는 내 친구들과 내 가족을 신뢰했어.
I put my trust in my friends and family.
I put my trust in my friends and family.
** I trust my friends and family. 친구와 가족들의 말을 믿는다.

the one 그 사람
grateful 감사한 (깊이있는) thankful
pandemic 세계적 유행병
situation 상황
choice 선택
online 온라인
hopefully 바라건데
classroom 교실

It's a great pleasure to [동사]하는 것은 큰 기쁨이다.
여기있는 건 대단한 기쁨입니다.
It's a great pleasure to be here.
It's a great pleasure to be here.
당신과 거래하는 건 항상 대단한 기쁨이빈다.
It's always a great pleasure to deal with you.
It's always a great pleasure to do business with you.

did [동사원형]하긴 했다; 안 한게 아니었다.
난 메세지를 남기긴 했어.
I did leave a message.
I did leave a message.
그들은 내게 환불을 해주긴 했어.
They did give me a refund.
They did give me a refund.

quite a [명사] = 꽤 대단한 명사; 특이한 명사
그건 꽤 대단한 파티였어? 그렇치 않아?
It was quite a party, wasn't it?
It was quite a party, wasn't it?
우린 꽤 대단한 삼총사였지
We were quite a trio.
We were quite a trio.

[Five Golden Sentences]
절 신뢰해준 것에 대해 당신에게 고마워해야 하는 사람을 바로 저죠.
I'm just the one who should be grateful to you for putting your trust in me.
I'm the one who should be grateful to you for putting your trust in me.

배울 의향이 있는 사람을 도울 수 있다는 건 항상 대단한 기쁨이에요.
It's always a great pleasure to be able to help someone who is willing to learn.
It's always a great pleasure to be able to help someone who is willing to learn.
마유쌤: 이건 사실입니다. 그쵸?
세린쌤: 맞아요. It makes it much easier. Although I do think it's the teachers' responsibility to keep their students motivated.

올해는 세계적 유행병 상황이 ( ) 우리에게 선택권을 남겨두지 않았어요.
This year the pandemic situation remained us
This year the pandemic situation left us
(수업을 온라인하는 것외에는)
with no choice but to online class.
with no choice but to do our classes online.

하지만 재미있는 시간 아니었나요?
but w have had fun, haven't we?
but we did have fun, didn't we?
꽤 대담한 경험 아니었나요?
It was quite an experience, wasn't it?
It was quite an experience, wasn't it?

내년에는 실제 교실에서 함께 공부할 수 있으면 좋겠네요.
Hopefully, we'll be able to study together in the classroom next year.
Hopefully, we'll be able to study together in an actual classroom next year.

세린쌤: I do think we did face a lot of challenges in 2021 because of COVID. But at the same time, it definitely changed up language learning.

당신과 일할 수 있는 건 대단한 기쁨입니다.
It's a great pleasure to be able to work with you.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 편지: 학생의 감사 편지에 대한 답장 The Teacher's Response to the student's letter

