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21.12.30.목 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 나의 한 해는 몇점? How would you rate your year?

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 30.

So are you. 너도 그렇잖아.
A: 너 엄청 멋져.
You are so marvelous.
You are so fabulous.
B: 너도 마찬가지야
So are you.

A: 당신은 욕심이 너무 많군요.
You’re so greedy.
B: 뭐, 당신도 마찬가지예요
Well, so are you.

A: 내 남편은 엄청 로맨틱해.
My husband is so romatic.
B: 내 남편도 마찬가지야
So is my husband.

rate 평가하다
세린쌤: These days, online like shopping site, you can always rate your purchase.
take care of [something] 돌보다
health 건강 (my health, your health)
otherwise 그렇치 않으면; 그것만 아니면
owe [누군가에게] 빚지다
세린쌤: I owe you apology. 나 너에게 사과해야 해.
workaholic 일중독자;일중독인
agree 동의하다
Well 뭐;글세; (머뭇거리는 느낌; 생각하는 시간이 필요)
10 being the [최상급 형용사]
= 10을 [최상급 형용사]한 것으로 두고
10이 최고라고 두고 0에서 10까지 너의 인생을 평가해봐.
Rate your life from 0 to 10 with 10 being the best.
Rate your life from 0 to 10, 10 being the greatest.

당신이 1에서 5까지 당신의 평가을 평가할거라고 하면,
If you are to rate your film from 1 to 5,
If you were to rate your movie from 1 to 5,
5가 최고이면서, 어떻게 당신은 그것을 평가하겠나요?
5 being the best, how would you rate it?
5 being the best, how would you rate it?

give [목적어] a [점수] = [누군가]에게 [점수]를 주다.
나는 그 랩퍼에게 3점을 줬어.
I gave the rapper a 3.
I gave the rapper a 3.
나는 할 수 있다면, 너에게 100점을 주겠어.
I would give you a 100, if I could do it.
I would give you a 100, if I could.
** [점수] 다음에 추가적인 “points”가 붙으면, 복수형이라서 “a” “an” 이 없음.
=> 100 points; 3 points

You owe to yourself to [동사원형] 해야해
** You have to와 비슷하지만 어떤 행동할 의무가 있고 자격이 되기 때문에 그걸 해야한다고 강하게 제안하고 추천.
당신은 즐거운 시간을 보내야 돼요.
You owe to yourself to have fun
You owe to yourself to have some fun.
넌 너의 가족과 주말을 좀 즐겨야 돼.
You owe to yourself to enjoy weekends with your family.
You owe to yourself to enjoy the weekend with your family.

[Five Golden Sentences]
마유 Mayu
( )0에서 10으로 너의 한 해를 평가해야 한다면,
If you should rate your year from 0 to 10,
If you had to rate your year from 0 to 10,
(10을 최고로 두고)
10 being the greatest,
10 being the greatest ,
너의 한 해를 몇점주겠니?
what would you give it?
what would you give it?

세리나 Serina
( ) 8을 줄거야.
I would give it 8
I would give it an 8
(너무 바빠서 건강을 못 챙겼다는 이유만으로)
just because I was too busy to take care of my health.
only because I was too busy to take care of my health.
그것만 아니면 10을 줬을거야.
Otherwise, I would have given it a 10.
Otherwise, I would have given it a 10.

마유 Mayu
건강을 좀 챙겨야 돼.
You owe to yourself to take care of your health.
You owe to yourself to take care of your health.
너 일 중독자야.
You are a workaholic.
You are a workaholic.

세리나 Serina
인정해. 뭐~ 너도 그렇잖아.
I agree. Well, so are you.
I agree. Well, so are you.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 나의 한 해는 몇점? How would you rate your year?

