think outside the box 틀에서 벗어나 생각한다.
난 아이들에게 틀에서 벗어나 생각하라고 가르쳐.
I teach my kids to think outside the box.
I teach my kids to think outside the box.
헤일리의 아이디어는 매우 창의적이야.
Hailey’s ideas are so creative
Hailey’s ideas are very creative
왜냐하면 그녀가 항상 틀에서 벗어나서 생각하거든
because she always thinks outside the box.
because she always thinks outside the box.
그녀의 아이들은 틀에서 벗어나서 생각하라고 독려를 받기 때문에 참 똑똑해.
Her kids are so smart because they are encouraged to think outside the box.
Her kids are so smart because they are encouraged to think outside the box.
마유쌤: 선생님도 아이들에게 그렇게 하실 것같아요.
세린쌤: I try but it’s hard because kids need some structure but then they need freedom. And often when you give kids freedom, the things become a mess.
enthusiastic 열의 있는
understanding 이해심있는
inspire 영감을 주다.
perhaps 아마도 = maybe
advisor 조언자
teaching 가르침
huge 엄청 큰
grateful 감사한
go the extra mile 각별히 노력하다
그들은 그 프로젝트를 정말 완벽하게 만들기 위해서 각별히 노력했어.
They went the extra mile to make the project perfect.
They went the extra mile to really make the project perfect.
우리 손님들을 위해서 각별히 노력해 준것에 감사합니다.I’m gratful for you to go the extra mile for our guests.
Thank you for going the extra mile for our customers.
have a [형용사] impact on [목적어]에게 [형용사]한 영향을 주다.
** big/huge impact 영향이 크다
** small impact 영향이 작다; 별 영향이 아니다.
그 교수의 조언은 내 인생에 엄청 큰 영향을 줬어.
The professor’s advice had a huge impact on my life.
The professor’s advice had a huge impact on my life.
그의 게으름은 그의 아이들에게 부정적인 영향을 줬어.
His laziness had a negative impact on his kids.
His laziness had a negative impact on his children.
Thanks to [명사] 덕분에
(주로 긍정적, 그러나 가끔씩 sarcastic하게 부정적 )
그 소방관들 덕분에 난 여전히 살아있어.
Thanks to the firefighters, I’m still alive.
Thanks to the firefighters, I’m still alive.
당신의 헌신 덕분에,
Thanks to your dedication,
Thanks to your dedication,
우린 한국에서 가장 큰 마케팅 회사가 된 겁니다.
We’ve become the biggest marketing company in Korea.
We’ve become the biggest marketing company in Korea.
[Five Golden Sentences]
선생님만큼 이해심 많고 열의있는 분께 가르침을 받는다는건 선물입니다.
It’s a gift to be taught by a teacher who is enthusiastic and understanding like you.
It’s a gift to be taught by a teacher as enthusiastic and understanding as you.
세린쌤: I’m so glad to work with a person as fabulous as you.
선생님은 절 도와주기 위해 각별히 노력하셨고,
You went the extra mile to help me,
You went the extra mile to help me,
틀에서 벗어나 생각하게끔 영감을 주셨죠
and inspired me to think outside the box.
and inspired me to think outside the box.
선생님은 저에게 선생님 이상이셨어요.
You have been more than a teacher to me.
You have been more than a teacher to me.
아마 좋은 친구, 인생 조언자, 심지어 그 이상말이죠.
perhaps a good friend, a life advisor, and even more than that.
perhaps a good friend, a life advisor, and even more.
선생님의 가르침은 제 인생의 엄청 큰 영향을 줬어요.
Your teaching has had a huge impact on my life.
Your teaching has had a huge impact on my life.
And I appreciate it.
And I’m grateful.
선생님의 수업 덕분에
Thanks to your classes,
Thanks to your class,
올해 많은 걸 이룬 것같은 기분이에요.
I feel like I have achieved a lot this year .
I feel like I have acoomplished a lot this year.
니 도움 덕분에, 난 직업을 얻었어.
Thanks to your help, I’ve got the job.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학원 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 편지: 한 해 동안 감사했던 선생님께 A Thank You Letter to a Teacher