save up for [명사]를 위해서 모으다
난 첫 자동차를 위해서 돈을 모으고 있어.
I save up money for my first car.
I’m saving up for my first car.
우린 아이 대학 등록금을 위해서 좀 모아야만 해.
We’ve got to save up for our kid’s college tuition.
We have to save up for our kid’s college tuition.
너 결혼식을 위해서 모으고 있니?
Are you saving up for your wedding?
Are you saving up for your wedding?
resolution 다짐;결심
new year 새해
spending 지출
** I want to cut down on my spending 지출을 줄이고 싶다.
put down 미리 (돈을) 걸어두다
in cash 현금으로
home 집(가정)
order in 배달 주문
eat out 외식하다
** Should we eat out or should we order in?
밖에서 먹을까 아니면 배달주문할까?
fast food 패스트푸드
have [명사] in mind = [명사]를 마음에 두다
당신은 뭔가 마음에 특정한 거를 두고 있나요?
Do you have something in mind?
Do you have anything in particular in mind?
우린 몇가지 아이디어를 마음에 두고 있어요.
We have several ideas in mind.
We have a few ideas in mind.
20.07.22.수 What do you have in mind? 미리 생각해 둔 거 있어? 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the 22nd of July. The summer is really a full swing, and speaking of which today is 대서 the day of great heat. The best..
get in shape 몸매가 좋아지다.
** I’m out of shape 난 몸매가/건강이 망가졌어.
난 여름 전에 몸매가 좋아져야만 해.
I have to get in shape before summer.
I have to get in shape before the summer.
마유는 최근에 몸매가 좋아졌어.
Mayu has recently got in shape.
Mayu has gotten in shape recently.
eat out 외식하다
우리 오늘 밤에는 외식할거야.
We’re eating out tonight.
We’re going to eat out tonight.
내가 혼자 살 땐, 매번 회식을 하곤 했어.
When I lived alone, I used to eat out each time.
When I lived by myself, I used to eat out all the time.
[Five Golden Sentences]
새해 다짐을 뭐라도 마음에 두고 있어?
Do you have any resolutions for the new year in mind?
Do you have any resolutions for the new year in mind?
난 ( ) 지출을 줄일거야.
I’m going to cut down my spending
Well, I’m going to cut down on my spending
(집 사려고 돈을 모으고 있어서)
because I’m saving up for a house.
because I’m saving up for a house.
** cut down on something 상당히 줄이다 significantly reducing or decreasing something.
적어도 현금으로 60%를 미리 걸어둬야 해서.
I have to put down 60% at least in cash
You* have to put down at least 60% in cash on a home.
How about you?
So, what about you?
** You* 2인칭의 you가 아니라 일반적인 you.
이런 말 백만번은 한 거 아는데,
I know I have said this countless times.
I know I have said this million times.
몸매가 도로 좋아지면 좋겠어
but I hope I get in shape back.
but I hope to get back in shape.
오늘부터 외식도 안 하고,
From today, I’m not going to eat out,
From today, I’m not going to eat out,
패스트푸드 배달 주문도 안 할거야.
or order in fast food.
or order in fast food.
우리는 신혼여행 가려고 돈 모으고 있어.
We’re saving up for our honeymoon.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 2022년의 새로운 다짐 My Resolutions for the New Year