Welcome come to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Today is Monday the 10th of January.
Let me tell you 2 simple ways to learn English effectively.
Study phrases, not words.
Learn by listening.
That’s it.
Don’t sweat it.
You can do it with me.
오늘 친구에게 마음 편히 즐기라고 할 때?
** 너의 머리카락을 아래로 가게 하다 => 머리를 풀어헤치다 => 외출했다가 집에 오면, 묶었던 머리를 살살 푼다 => 긴장을 풀고 휴식을 취하다
A: 너무 신나는구먼.
I’m so pumped.
I’m so pumped.
드디어 10년만에 내 지갑을 찾았네.
Finally I’ve got my wallet back in 10 years.
I finally found my wallet after 10 years.
B: 축하해. 이제 긴장 풀게.
Congratulations! Now let your hair down.
Congratulations! Now let your hair down.
** pumped 배가 나온; 열성적인; 열의 있는
** I’m so pumped (흥분과 열의로) 신이 난 상태이다.
** wallet 남자지갑
** purse 여자지갑; 동전지갑
A: 사장님을 만나야할 시간이에요. 긴장 풀어요.
It’s time to meet the boss. Let your hair down.
It’s time to meet the boss. Let your hair down.
B: 노력해보겠지만, 분위기가 거의 견딜 수 없을 정도예요.
I’m trying but I can hardly hold up the atmosphere.
I’ll try but the atmosphere is almost unbearable.
** unbearable (무언가가) 참을 수 없는; 견딜 수 없는
[Try it Now]
그거 축하해. 이제 긴장 풀어.
Congratulations on that. Now let your hair down.
Congratulations on that. Now let your hair down.
고객을 만날 시간이에요. 긴장 풀어요.
It’s time to meet customers. Let your hair down.
It’s time to meet the cliet. Let your hair down.
[Step by Step]
이번만은 for once 긴장 풀고At least this time, let your hair down
Let your hair down for once
행사를 즐겨
and enjoy the event.
and enjoy the event.
긴장 풀고 친구들과 가족과 그냥 재밌게 놀아.
Let your hair down
Let your hair down
and just have fun with your family and friends.
and just have some fun with friends and family.
너는 긴장을 풀어야 해.
You should let your hair down.
You should let your hair down.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 너무 신나는구먼.
I’m so pumped.
드디어 10년만에 내 결혼반지를 찾았네
I finally found my wedding ring after 10 years.
B: 축하해. 이제 긴장 풀게나.
I’m happy for you. Now let your hair down.
A: 장인어른을 만날 시간이에요.
It’s time to meet your father in-law.
긴장 풀어요.
Let your hair down.
B: 노력해보겠지만, 분위기가 거의 숨이 막힐 정도예요.
I’ll try, but the atmosphere is almost oppressive.
** oppressive 억압하는; 숨이 막힐 듯
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Let your hair down. 긴장 풀어. 마음 편히 즐겨.