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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

22.02.04.금 Easy Writing 대화: 밸런타인데이 식당 예약 (2) Valentine’s Day dinner reservation

by Namaskara 2023. 2. 4.

earlier 이전에; 아까
(in the past는 굉장히 멀~다 라는 느낌이 강함)
세리나 아까 여기 있었어.
Serina was here earlier.
Serina was here earlier.
제가 전에 언급했듯이, 오늘은 숙제가 없을 것입니다.
As I mentioned earlier, there will be no homework today.
As I mentioned earlier, there will be no homework today.
그들은 얼마 전에 그것이 살인이 아니었다고 확인했습니다.
They confirmed earlier that it was not a murder.
They confirmed earlier that it wasn’t a murder.

inquire 문의하다 (ask 보다 격식있는 표현)
news 소식
in fact 사실상 actually
cancel 취소하다
person 사람
rough 거친; 힘든
one 하루
** Have a good one = Have a good day
You made my day. 덕분에 하루가 즐거워졌어요.
regarding [명사]와 관련하여
(격식적인 표현 in regard to > regarding > about)
저는 당신이 구매하신 것과 관련하여 전화를 드리고 있어요.
I’m calling you regarding your purchase.
I’m calling regarding the purchase you made.
이건 무엇과 관련된 거죠?
What is this regarding?
What is this regarding?

go ahead with [명사]를 진행하다.
너의 계획을 진행해.
Go ahead with your plans.
Go ahead with your plan.
그 판매를 진행하고 싶으신가요?
Do you want to go ahead with the sales?
Would you like to go ahead with the sale?

otherwise, 그렇지 않으면,
그만 먹어.
Stop eating.
Stop eating.
그렇지 않으면, 넌 살을 조금도 빼지 못할 거라고.
Otherwise, you can’t lose weight at all.
Otherwise, you won’t be able to lose any weight.

넌 그녀를 반드시 막아야 해.
You should definitely prevent her.
You must stop her.
그렇지 않으면, 넌 그녀를 영원히 잃을거야.
Otherwise, you’ll lose her forever.
Otherwise, you’ll lose her forever

[Five Golden Sentences]
Restaurant Manager
이전에 문의하신 저녁 예약과 관련하여 전화드리는 건데요.
Mr. Mayu, I’m calling regarding dinner reseravation you inquired about earlier.
Mr. Mayu, I’m calling regarding dinner reseravation you inquired about earlier.

마유 Mayu
오! 제발, 좋은 소식이라고 말해주세요.
Oh, yes! Please tell me you have a good news for me.
Oh, yes! please tell me you have a good news for me.

Restaurant Manger
사실 좋은 소식이에요.
In fact, I do.
In fact, I do.
손님 한 분이 방금 전화로 예약을 취소하셔서
Someone just called and cancelled his reservation.
Someone just called and cancelled his reservation.
그 테이블을 이제 손님이 쓰실 수 있어요.
So, now the table is all yours.
So, the table is all yours now.

예약을 진행하고 싶으신가요?
Would you like to go ahead with your reservation?
Would you like to go ahead with your reservation?

원하지 않으시면, 다음 분에게 드려야 하거든요.
Otherwise, I’ll have to give it to the person behind you.
Otherwise, I’m going to have to give it to the person after you.

마유 Mayu
물론 그러고 싶죠. 정말 힘든 날이었는데,
Of course I do. I was having a tough day.
Of course I do. I was having a really rough one.
덕분에 하루가 즐거워졌네요.
You just made my day.
You just made my day.

그는 이전에 그게 자신의 잘 못이 아니라고 말했습니다.
He said earlier that it wan’t his fault.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 대화: 밸런타인데이 식당 예약(2) Valentine’s Day dinner reservation(2)

