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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

22.02.08.화 Easy Writing 영화 Titanic (2) A movie by James Cameron (2)

by Namaskara 2023. 2. 8.

persuade [목적어] to [동사]: [목적어]를 [동사]하도록 설득하다

*convince(납득시키다)는 생각을 바꾸는 수준 vs persuade는 실제로 어떤 행동을 하도록 이끌어 내는 수준
난 우리 부모님이 한국으로 도로 이사오시도록 설득했어.
I persuaded my parents to move back to Korea.
I persuaded my parents to move back to Korea.
세리나는 마유에게 EW 청취자들과 그의 요리법들을 공유하지 않도록 설득했어.
Serina persuaded Mayu not to share his recipes with EW listeners.
Serina persuaded Mayu not to share his recipes with the EW listeners.
Serina: It’s now out in the world. 이미 공개되었어요.
그 직원들은 사장으로 하여금 그 회사를 떠나지 않도록 설득했어.
The staff persuaded the boss not to leave the company.
The employees persuaded the CEO not to leave the company.

marriage 결혼; 결혼생활
How is your marriage? 결혼생활 어때?
Wedding 결혼식
attempt 시도하다 (실패했다는 뉘앙스)
pull 당기다
deck 갑판
feelings 감정
awkward 어색한
upper class 상류층
lower class 하류층

jump off 명사에서 뛰어내리다.
(** off 떨어져 나간다는 느낌)
도망자 fugitive 는 그 다리에서 뛰어내렸어.
The runaway jumped off the bridge.
The fugitive jumped off the bridge.
난 그 타워에서 뛰어내기 전에 크게 소리를 질렀어.
I shouted loud before jumping off the tower.
I screamed hard before jumping off the tower.
Serina: 선생님, have you bungee jumped before?
Mayu: Never ever and I’ll never.
Serina: I see you have a fear of height
Mayu: I do.

from that moment on 그 순간부터
그 순간부터 난 마유를 새로운 시각으로 봤어.
From that moment on, I saw you Mayu in a new perspective.
From that moment on, I saw you Mayu in a new light.
그 순간부터 우리의 관계는 어색해졌어.
From that moment on, our relationship became awkward.
From that moment on, our relationship became awkward.

not happy to [동사] 하는 게 달갑지 않은
난 그녀가 내 남동생과 있는 걸 보는 게 달갑지 않았어.
I was not happy to see that she was with my brother.
I was not happy to see her with my brother.
Serina: I guess all family, they all have high standards.
그들은 그를 승진시키는 게 달갑지 않았어.
They were not happy to promote him.
They were not happy to promote him.

[Five Golden Sentences]

자신이 원하는 결혼이 아니라는 걸 아는
Knowing it’s not the marriage she wants,
Knowing it’s not the marriage she wants,
Rose는 배에서 뛰어내리려고 하며 자살을 시도한다.
Rose attempts a suicide by trying jumping off the deck.
Rose attempts suicide by trying to jump off the ship.

Jack은 뛰지 않도록 그녀를 설득한 후,
Jack persuades her not to jump off
Jack persuades her not to jump
갑판으로 잡아 당겨 그녀를 구한다.
and saves her by pulling her back to the deck.
and saves her by pulling her back on to the deck.

그 순간부터
From that moment on,
From that moment on,
그들은 서로를 향한 감정을 키워나간다.
they grow their feelings on each other
they grow feelings for each other

어느 날 밤에 Rose는 상류층 가족들과의 어색한 저녁식사에 Jack을 초대한다.
One day evening, Rose invites Jack to an awkward dinner with upper class families
One night, Rose invites Jack to an awkward dinner with upper class families.

Carl가 Rose의 어머니 루스는 그들이 함께 있는 걸 보는 게 달갑지 않다.
Carl and Rose’s mother Ruth are not happy to see them together.
Carl and Rose’s mother Ruth are not happy to see them together.

그들은 그만두지 않도록 Kyle을 설득했다.
They persuaded Kyle not to quit his job.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing Easy Writing 영화 Titanic (2) A movie by James Cameron (2)

