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2022 EBS 이지 라이팅

22.03.10.목 Easy Writing 대사: The Good Place (1) I’m not the person you think I am

by Namaskara 2022. 3. 10.

take one’s side [누구]의 편을 들다 = side with [누구]
니 남자친구가 티나의 편을 들었다는 게 사실이야?
Is it true that your boyfriend took Tina’s side?
Is it true that your boyfriend took Tina’s side?
우린 ( ) 크게 싸웠어.
We heavily fought
We had a huge fight
(그녀가 그녀 친구의 편을 들었기 때문에)
because she took her friend’s side.
because she took her friend’s side.
내 남편은 항상 자기 여동생편 을 들어.
My husband always takes his sister’s side.
My husband always takes his sister’s side.

no matter what 무슨 일이 있어도
ever-lasting 영원한; 변치 않은
soul mate 소울 메이트; 영혼의 동반자
belong 속하다
heaven 천국
this morning 오늘 아침
this afternoon 오늘 오후
this evening 오늘 저녁
tonight 오늘 아침
heat up 데우다. burn 태우다
corn chowder 콘차우더
this morning 오늘 아침에
나 오늘 아침에 일찍 일어났어.
I got up early this morning.
I woke up early this morning.
너 오늘 아침에 어디 있었어?
Where have you been this morning?
Where were you this morning?

the expiration date on [명사]의 유효 날짜
이 포장음식 유효날짜가 어떻게 돼요?
What’s the expiration date on this packed food?
What’s the expiration date on this packaged food?
그거 먹기 전에 유효날짜 좀 확인해봐.
Check the expiration date on it before eating it.
Check the expiration date on it before you eat it.

the opposite of [명사]의 정반대
세리나는 못된 것의 정반대야.
Serina is the opposite of bad things.
Serina is the opposite of mean.
비싼 것의 정반대가 뭔가요?
What is the opposite of expensive?
What is the opposite of expensive?

[Five Golden Sentences]
엘레노아 Eleanor
Chidi, 넌 무슨 일이 있어도 내 편일거지?
Chidi, will you take my side no matter what?
Chidi, you’ll be on my side no matter what, right?
내 영원한 소울 메이트이지, 그렇지?
You’re my ever-lasting soul mate, right?
You’re my ever-lasting soul mate, right?

치디 Chidi
물론이지, ( ) 항상 니 편을 들거라고 약속할게.
Of course, I promise I’ll always take your side
Of course, I promise I’ll always take your side
(너랑 의견이 같지 않더라도)
even though I don’t agree with you
even if I don’t agree with you

엘레노아 Eleanor
좋아. 왜냐하면 실수가 있었거든.
Good, because there’s been a mistake.
Good, because there’s been a mistake.
난 여기 어울리지 않아.
I don’t belong here.
I don’t belong here.
천국에 있으면 안 되는거라고
I’m not supposed to be in heaven.
I’m not supposed to be in heaven.

치디 Chidi
하지만 넌 좋은 사람이잖아.
But you’re a good person.
But you’re a good person.
오늘 아침만 해도 날 위해 콘차우더를 데워줬잖아.
Just this morning, you heat up the corn chowder for me.
Just this morning, you heat up the corn chowder for me.

엘레노아 Eleanor
그래, 근데 그 콘차오더 유효기간을 확인해봐.
Yeah, check the expiration date on the corn chowder.
Yeah, check the expiration date on that one.
아무튼 난 좋은 사람과는 정 반대라고,
Anyway, I’m the opposite of good.
Anyway, I’m the opposite of good.

이 우유의 유효기간이 어떻게 되나요?
What is the expiration date on this milk?

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 대사: The Good Place (1) I’m not the person you think I am

