크리스틴쌤: Whassup, Cameron?
카메론쌤: What’s up?
크리스틴쌤: What’s up?
카메론쌤: Oh my gosh, I haven’t heard that in a little while.
크리스틴쌤: You know, to be honest, I don’t really say it, hardly ever these days.
카메론쌤: Right!
크리스틴쌤: I kind of say What’s going on? or How’s it going?, how are you holding up? This is the another one that’s very popular with my friends because we’re all kind of struggling.
카메론쌤: That’s true. You bring up interesting point about slang words, though. Because they are slang, there are popularity to them. Sometimes they are not popular anymore. So slang terms you said in 19s such as “Whassup?” which is short form “What’s up?” is not as common.
크리스틴쌤 One thing I’d like to say about slang is that I know there are a lot of Youtubers teaching slang to our Korean students. And it’s fine to know them but unless you really are a good English speaker, I recommend that you don’t really use slang very often. It sounds to native speaker like “it’s weird.”
카메론쌤: Even me, there are new slang words like 언플릭, 노캡 I’m not lying or something like that. I can not use. It’s awkward.
크리스틴쌤: even for you?
카메론쌤: Slang can be fun to learn but don’t think everyone use it.
크리스틴쌤: That’s what we wanted to tell you. It’s good to learn but, you know, as ##### normal English before you start with this slang.
크리스틴쌤: We have an article for you today. And this is very interesting. Forgetting is form of Active Learning. So, Being forgettful is not such a bad thing.
카메론쌤: They say that loosing memories are part of memory process. It’s really necessary.
크리스틴쌤: That’s necessary because maybe you have too much in your head and it could explode.
Oh no, Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.
Here are some expressions we’re gonna cover.
1) lock something away = put it somewhere out of the way where you can’t access/touch.
2) in the face of something = when you have to look out it, whenever the situation comes right in front of you. 직면하다
3) lead to something = A brings something else. A brings B.
[ARTICLE] Forgetting is a Form of Active Learning 망각은 학습의 한 형태이다.
Instead of thinking of forgetting things as a sign of mental decline, scientists from Trinity colllege in Doublin believe it’s an active form of learning. According to their research, memories are locked away in sets of neurons. When those memories are less essential for a our success or survival, they become inaccessible to us, although they are still in our brains. In the face of change, our brains prioritize different memories, allowing us to learn new things easier. This research has led to new theories about treatments for diseases like dementia and alzheimer’s.
잊어버리는 것을 정신적인 기능저하의 신호로 간주하는 대신에, 더블린에 있는 트리니티 대학의 연구자들은 이것을 능동적인 학습형태라고 밝혔다. 그들의 연구에 따르면, 기억은 뉴런의 결합 속에 잘 보관되어 있다. 이러한 기억이 성공이나 생존에 중요하지 않으면, 여전히 뇌 속에 있더라도 접근할 수 없게 된다. 변화의 직면하여, 우리의 뇌는 다른 기억들을 우선 순위에 둬서 새로운 것을 좀 더 쉽게 배울 수 있도록 해준다. 이 연구는 치매와 알츠하미머 같은 질병 치료에 대한 새로운 이론을 이끌었다.
Dementia 치매 Alzheimer is one form of dementia.
[Power Note]
(1) lock something away 안전한 곳에 두다
A: Where do you keep your old diaries from when you were younger? 어렸을 때 일기를 어디에 둬?
B: I lock them away in a storage unit with a bunch of other junk. 많은 잡동사니와 함께 보관함에 뒀어. The original document was locked away in a bolt the museum. 원본은 박물관에 보관되어 있다
I lock away my heart for you until you come back. 당신이 돌아올때까지 내 맘은 그대로 있어요.
(2) in the face of [something] 직면하다
상황: big idea, often negative
A: What was like fighting in a war? 전쟁에서 싸우는 건 어떤거야?
B: In the face of danger, you find out what kind of person you are. 위험에 직면하면, 너가 어떤 사람인지 발견하는 거야.
In face of uncertainty, a good leader will make a smart decision. 불확실성에 직면하면, 유능한 지도자는 현명한 결정을 하기 마련이다.
In the face of criticism, so when somone ciriticizes you, how you’re going to react? Are you gonna get angry? 비판에 직면하면, 그러니깐 누가 너를 비판하면, 어떻게 반응할거야? 화낼거야?
In the face of disaster 재난에 직면하여
(3) lead to [something] 이어지다; 초래하다
상황: positive, negative
A: I really need to lose weight. I feel tired all the time. 나 정말 체중감량해야 해. 하루 종일 너무 피곤해.
B: Your life style is going to lead to health problems and shorter life. 라이프스타일이 여러 건강문제와 단명을 초래할거야.
Smoking can lead to cancer. 흡연은 암을 초래할 수도 있다.
Communication can lead to a happy marriage. 원활한 의사소통은 행복한 결혼생활로 이어질 수 있다.
[Power Pattern] According to
According to this sign, there are bears in this park. 표지판에 따르면, 이 공원에는 곰들이 있어.
According to my brother, this is the best guitar for the price. 형/남동생에 의하면, 이건 가격 대비 최고의 기타야.
[Power Vocabulary]
** Dementia 치매
** Alzheimer is one form of dementia.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Power English 영어회화 레벨 3 Forgetting is a Form of Active Learning 망각은 학습의 한 형태이다.