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EBS Power English

22.06.18.토 Power English [영어회화 레벨 3] Optimistic People Live Longer. 낙관주의자들이 더 오래 산다.

by Namaskara 2022. 6. 18.

크리스틴쌤: This is, as far as radio English programs, level 3 Power English. This is the highest level.
카메론 쌤: This is top level.
크리스틴쌤: It’s top level.
카메론 쌤: The final form.
크리스틴쌤: So, if you can’t understand a lot of what we’re saying in follow us, you’re doing really well. If those of you who do not understand all of we say, may be 40 or 50%, you’re still doing fabulous things.
카메론 쌤: Yes, it’s always good to stretch yourself and push yourself. So it’s actually a bit of good sign if you’re a little uncomfortable. Because it’s 100% of your level, you’re not going as much as you probably could.
크리스틴쌤: Studies showed that you, in order to get better or to progress or make progress, you need a little bit of challenge.
카메론 쌤: Not too much
크리스틴쌤: Not too much. You know, it’s like muscle, making muscle. It’s a little painful.
카메론 쌤: If you’re having 100% fun at the gym, you’re not doing good workout.

크리스틴쌤: We have an article for you today. And the title is….
카메론 쌤: Optimistic People Live Longer.
크리스틴쌤: Okay. So, the question is are you an optimist? or are you a pessimist?
카메론 쌤: I’m a pessimist. I think this confused speople sometimes. I have the voice of an optimist. It’s loud, bright, and it’s expresseive but in mind it’s all rain clouds. What about you?
크리스틴쌤: I have to say I’m an optimist.
카메론 쌤: You do seem an optimist.
크리스틴쌤: I mean what you hear is what you get. So when I’m laughing, I’m really laughing. I’m not joking about it. I do, I think this is why I have survived. All of the things, the hardships and challenges is that I really am an optimist.
카메론 쌤: It’s very important. I wish I was more optimistic about
크리스틴쌤: Well, this is why we get along really well. Cause if we were both optimists, may be too much, too much laughing.
카메론 쌤: I’m 음 and you’re 양. So, you are the sunshine and I’m the shadow. It works out.

[ARTICLE] Optimistic People Live Longer. 낙관주의자들이 더 오래 산다.
Could keeping a more positive attitude help you live longer? Researchers from Boston University think they have found a link between optimism and longevity. Opitmistic people, they discovered, deal with stress differently than pessimistic people. This can affect one’s stress hormone level, which is associated with obesity and poor health. The study found that humans are not inherently optimistic, casting doubt over previous research. It also showed that health level of optimism led to a longer, healthier life while excessive optimism led to complacency and eventually poorer health.
좀 더 긍정적인 태도를 유지하는 게 더 오래사는 데 도움이 될 수 있을까? 보스톤 대학교 연구진들은 낙관주의와 장수의 관계를 밝혀냈다. 낙관주의적인 사람들은 비관주의적인 사람들과 다르게 스트레스를 처리한다는 것을 알아냈다. 스트레스를 다루는 것은 비만 또는 건강악화와 관련이 있는 스트레스 호르몬 수치(Cortisol 코티졸)에 영향을 줄 수 있다. 이 연구로 인간은 본래 낙관주의적이 않다는 밝혀졌고, 이것은 이전 연구에 대한 의문을 제기했다. 이것은 또한 과도한 낙관주의는 안주로 이어지고 결과적으로 건강을 더 악화시키는 반면에 건강한 수준의 낙관주의는 더 길고 더 건강한 삶으로 이끈다는 것보여준다.

(1) find a link = discovering the connection
A: Did investigator find a link between the gangster and the politician?
A) 그 수사관이 그 조폭과 정치인의 연결고리를 찾았어?
B: She did. They went elementary school together back in the 1980s and their parents were friends.
B) 찾았어. 그들은 1980년대 초등학교를 같이 다녔고, 부모들끼리 친구래.

Researchers found a link between obesity and diabetes a long time ago.
연구진들은 비만과 당뇨병의 연관성을 오래 전에 밝혀냈다. 

(2) associate [sth] with [sth] = connecting two things together
A: That pie smells amazing. Is that nutmeg?
A) 이 파이 냄새 쥑이는데. 이거 넛맥으로 만든거야?
B: Yes, I associated the smell of nutmeg with Christmas.
B) 맞아. 나는 넛맥 냄새를 맡으면 크리스마스를 연상해

Poor communities are often associated with high crime rates.
빈곤한 지역사회는 높은 범죄율과 연관된 경우가 많다. 

(3) cast doubt over/on [sth] = you’re making people wonder/skeptical/suspicious
A: I don’t think Tompson will win the senate race.
A) 톰슨이 상원 선거에서 이길 것 같지 않아.
B: Yeah, his questionable finances cast doubt on his honesty.
B) 맞아. 재정상황이 미심쩍어서 그의 정직성에 의문을 품게되네.

Several of the interviewee’s answers cast dout over his qualification for the job.
그 면접자의 답변 중 일부 그 일에 대한 그 사람의 자격에 의구심을 제기했다. 

[POWER PATTERN: It also showed 그것은 또한 ~보여준다. ]
It also showed a few tumors on the dog’s kidneys.
그것은 또한 개의 신장에 있는 몇개의 종양을 보여준다.
It also showed how the fine art market is used to launder money.
그것은 또한 미술 시장이 어떻게 돈세탁에 이용되는지 보여준다.

Pessimistic VS Optimistic

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Power English [영어회화 레벨 3] Optimistic People Live Longer. 낙관주의자들이 더 오래 산다.

