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EBS Power English

22.05.07.토 Power English (영어회화 레벨 3) Dogs Recognize Their Owner’s Voice

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 7.

[Power Introduction]
Cameron: Welcome to the show. My name is Cameron.
Kristine: I’m Christine Cho. Thank you for that cheering.
Cameron: I was really excited, “Level 3”. That’s an accomplishment.
Kristine: There is no level 4. We are the final level.
Cameron: with the final boss. If you defeat us, you beat the game. You beat the game of English.
Kristine: So, let’s say. If you are able to listen to this program, even understand 50%, you’re doing very well.
Cameron: Yeah, you are.
Kristine: You really are. And a lot of our listeners are saying “It took me a while but now I understand and laugh with you guys.” And sometimes, you know, it’s really cute. You know what some of our listeners saying? They’re saying they don’t know what we’re laughing about.
Cameron: I do that, too, you know. Sometimes my Korean friends, I don’t understand their jokes but everyone else is laughing. So I just feel good, too. [Power Pattern]
1) rely on [someone/something] = depending on [someone/something]
2) be tasked with [something] = have responsibility to do [something]; obligation.
3) for good measure => Just in case, you don’t want there to not be enough of something, so you add a little extra to make sure that there’s enough.

[Today’s Article]
A recent study proved that most dogs recognize their owner’s voice. Before this, it was believed that dogs rely on either smell or signs to find their master. In the study, dogs were tasked with finding their owner who is calling their name from a hiding place. For good measure, there was a second person also calling the dog’s name. To be sure that smell wasn’t a factor, the researchers had the second person play a recording of the owner’s voice. In 82% of cases, the dog found their owner or the stranger playing the recording of the owner by voice only.
최근 연구결과에 따르면 대부분의 개들이 주인의 목소리를 알아듣는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 연구 전에는, 개들이 냄새나 사인에 의존해서 주인을 찾아내는 것으로 알려졌다. 이 연구에서, 개들은 숨은 장소에서 자신의 이름을 부르고 있는 주인을 찾아야 했다. 추가로, 개의 이름을 부르고 있는 또 다른 사람이 있었다. 냄새가 요인이 아니었다는 것을 확실히 하기 위해서, 연구자들은 두번째 사람이 녹음된 주인의 목소리를 틀도록 했다. 82%의 사례에서, 개들은 주인이나 주인의 목소리만 녹음된 것을 틀고 있는 낯선이를 찾아냈다.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Power English 영어회화 레벨 3 Dogs Recognize Their Owner’s Voice

