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[2021.05.01.Sat] 영어회화 레벨3 파워 잉글리시 Grow Your Own Food 직접 식재료를 길러요

by Namaskara 2021. 5. 2.

K: We’ve got a brand-new month and if you don’t have your book, please go get one.
C: Yeah.
K: It’s also supporting the show because you know if you want Cameron and Kristen to be here at Power English for long time, books are important.
C: Book sales not only just book support the show, but it will actually support your learning as well. Look at, as you see, all the words we are talking about along with explanations in both English and Korean to make sure that you’ve gotten all the information.
K: That’s right. If you think you don’t need a book, you’re wrong
C: I need a book. The book helps me understand it.
K: Please do get your book and of course, on this stage, we have an article.
K: On page 7, the title is?
C: Grow your own Food.
K: Back in America, during the World War 2, I heard they had what was called a victory garden.
C: Yes
K: So, what is a victory garden?
C: Yes, a victory garden was used during the war and people were growing vegetables and fruits at home to, kind of, live more food supplies for the soldiers’ war fighting
K: So, the idea of having your food growing, growing your own food is becoming more and more popular and that’s what we’re gonna talk about today. We’ve got some great expressions. “Turn to” something or someone.
C: This means that you’re turning and putting your attention or you’re looking at listening to someone or something.
K: Okay
C: Your attention was in one place and now it’s going somewhere else.
K: If you skip something, S K I P , just a verb skip is a certain way of kind of like walking.
C: 깡충깡충
K: but in this context, it means what?
C: It means that you are not going to do it and move on to something else.
K: finally self-sufficient?
C: This means that you can survive and you can live without the help of anyone else. Just your own work, “자급자족.”
K: Oh, look at you. Your Korean is amazing, Bravo!

The recent shutdown has been difficult for many businesses as traffic in their stores has shrunk singificantly. In an effort to avoid getting exposed to sick people, many have turned to indoor and outdoor gardening to grow their own food and skip the trip to the grocery store. Becoming self-sufficient has caused a decline in revenues for some businesses, while providing a profitable opportunity for others. In fact, businesses that provide small green houses and hydroponic gardening supplies have found it hard to meet the demand for their products.
최근 락다운으로 상점을 오고가는 유동인구가 상당히 줄어들면서 많은 사업체들이 어려움을 겪고 있다. 아픈 사람들에게 노출되는 것을 피하기 위한 노력의 일환으로 많은 사람들이 식료품 사러가는 것을 건너뛰고, 실내외 정원에서 먹거리를 직접 재배하고 있다. 자급자족하는 것은 일부 기업에게는 수입감소를 야기하는 반면에, 다른 기업에게는 수익성 있는 기회를 제공한다. 사실, 작은 온실과 수경 원예 제품을 제공하는 기업들은 그들 제품에 대한 수요를 따라잡기가 어려웠다.

* traffic: the people that go in and out of a store. So the nubmer of customers maybe not necessarily buying but at least going into look. 
* turn to: change your method of some kind of solution. Orignally you had a problem, in this case getting food. You used to go to the store. But by turning to gardening, it means switching the solution to your problem
* hydro gardening supply 수경 원예 제품

turn to something/someone: direct your attention to something or someone;의지하다
A: Who do you turn to when you’re feeling down?
기분이 가라앉을 때 누구에게 의지하시나요?
B: I usually call my mom and tell her what’s going on?
K: I turn to my teacher/best friend/mentor when I have a problem.
C: Right! so, you’re living your life and there’s a problem and you first probably try to fix the problem yourself but whenever you can’t, turning to someone, that is the person that always helps you solve the problem.

K: The students turn to their professor when the final project became difficult.
마지막 과제가 어려워져서 학생들은 교수에게 의지했다.
C: Originally, they try to do it by themselves.
K: That’s right. They were looking, like, at one direction and then?
C: I can’t do it. Professor~ help me.
K: What other situations could we use this expression ‘turn to’?
C: So this is very often used when you’re talking about method to a solution. So you can turn to the government to fix economic problems or you could turn to better education to get a promotion. It’s whatever you’re trying to use to fix the problem.
K: So it’s almost like you want someone to give you a direction and show you a right way.
C: For example, who do you turn to when you have car problems?
K: Who do I turn to? to the dealer!
C: You turn to a dealer. Some people might say I turn to my dad/husband.
K: Who do you turn to when you don’t understand Korean?
C: I turn to the internet, meaning I look up definition online.
K: There was a time I turned to my physical dictionary I was learnning 한자.

skip something 건너뛰다.
C: To skip means “do not do one thing” “not do A and do B.” In this case, skipping the trip to the grocery store means not going to the grocery store and doing something else.
K: It’s actually interesting because skipping is you really actually do do it. But skipping a meal, skipping then trip is almost like you’re gonna have a meal, you’re gonna to on the tirp. But you skip it.
C: Something like you have a process that A, B, C, D,. You do A, and then you skip B, you don’t B, and then continue C, D.
K: Skip somethings means to miss or to not do something. I think I might skip the gym today.
C: You’ll still have to pay the personal trainer, so you should probably go.
K: Skipping the gym. Usually, you go but today skip
C: That’s important point. It’s something planned or it’s a habit you usually do but you’re deciding not to do it.
K: That’s exactly. Don’t skip your credit payment or you could get in trouble. Skipping a bill or skipping payment is not a good thing. Something you should always do .
C: And payments are every month, right? There’s a regular sechedule. So, not following that schedule would be skipping the payment
K: When we talk about meals like skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner, usually we have it but for this particular situation we didn’t have it. I skipped breakfast cause I didn’t have time.
C: Another place that you’ll see this is on internet when there is an advertisement. There is a skip ad button.

self-sufficient 자급자족의
K: If we are humans becoming self-sufficient, what’s happening to us?
C: It means you’re able to take care of yourself. You don’t need help from anyone else. If I put you alone in the forest, you can survive cause you didn’t need help from anyone else.
K: The word “sufficient”, it’s sufficient, it’s enough.
C: enough by yourself.
K: So, you’re just able to carry on without anyone’s help.
C: It’s a little strange here. Because, of course, you would need maybe a little bit of help.
K: Sure
C: You won’t be building your own house, building your own roads, building your own car. But to a certain degree you know, cooking your own food, paying your own bills.
K: Thath’s right. Because if you’re really self-sufficient, that means that you’re making everything on your own. No electricity. You’ve got like fire.
C: Yes. That’ll be like a little house on prairie, sort of light.
K: Self-sufficient means to be able to provide for youself and you’ve been fully independent. What are you reading?
C: It’s a book on how to fix a car. I’m learning to be more self-sufficient
C:You can solve your own problems.
K: Early settlers of the American West had to be self-sufficient to survive

In an effort to 노력으로;노력의 일환으로
You are trying to do something.
In an effort to promote health, the city installed exercise equipment in the partk.

건강 증진을 위한 노력의 일환으로, 시는 공원에 운동기구를 설치했다.
In an effort to cut costs, we’re eliminating the night shift

비용 절감을 위한 노력의 일환으로, 우리는 야간 근무를 없앨거다/없애고 있다.

[Power VOCA]

Hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without using soil.

수경 재배는 흙을 사용하지 않고 식물을 기르는 방식이다.

The plants are fed a mineral-rich liquid solution to help them out

