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21.10.02.토 Power English [Full Script] Rental Fashion: Green or Bad for the Environment? 대여 가능한 패션: 친환경적인가 아니면 환경에 나쁜?

by Namaskara 2021. 10. 2.

EBS 파워 잉글리시 Power English
영어회화 레벨 3, 중급 영어회화

2021년 10월 2일(토)
Rentable Fahsion: Green or Bad for the Environment?
대여 가능한 패션: 친환경적인가 아니면 환경에 나쁜가?


Clothing rental has become a big business in high fashion circles, with top brands highly in demand. 의류 대여는 탑브랜드에 대한 수요가 많은 하이 패션계에서 큰 사업이 되었다.
But renting clothes may be a double-edged sword; 그러나 의류를 빌리는 것은 양날의 검이 될 수있다.
the clothes get more use and people don’t throw them away quickly, but the environmental costs of dry cleaning and delivery might outweigh the benefits. 의류가 더 많이 사용되서 사람들이 금방 버리지 않지만 드라이 클리닝과 배송에 드는 환경비용이 그 이득을 능가할 지도 모른다.
However, several reports had conflicting findings 그러나 몇몇 보고서에서 상반된 결과를 볼 수 있다.
One suggested that every garment that didn’t end up in a landfill was a positive result, while the other said the industry has a long way to go to becoming truly green. 모든 의복이 결국 쓰레기 매립장에서 끝나는 게 아니라는 점에서 긍정적인 결과가 있지만 반면에 이 산업이 진정으로 친환경이 되기까지 갈 길이 멀다는 주장도 있다.

[Power Note]
In demand 수요가 많은; 많은 사람들이 원하는
크리스틴: Do you like my new motor cycle? I was on a waiting list for 2 years for it.
내 새 오토바이 좋아해? 나 2년 동안 대기 명단에서 기다렸어.
카메론: I love it. It’s been in demand since their first model was released.
너무 좋아해. 첫번째 모델이 출시된 이후로 수요가 많아졌어.

크리스틴: Shirts designed by Pasccuchi were in high demand.
파스쿠치가 디자인한 셔츠는 엄청 인기 많았어

a double-edged sword 양날의 검
크리스틴: What’s like to be famous, Cameron?
카메론, 유명하다는 건 어떤거야?
카메론: It’s a double edged sword. I mean it’s nice to have peole like you, but I need my privacy, too.
그건 양날의 검이야. 사람들이 나를 좋아해주는 건 좋지만, 내 사생활이 필요해.

크리스틴: Working with family is a double-edged sword because it’s great to be with your loved ones, but disagreements are taken personally. 가족과 함께 일하는 것은 양날의 검이다. 사랑하는 사람과 함께 하는 것은 좋지만, 의견차이는 기분 나쁘게 받아들이게 된다.

Throw something away 버리다;없애다
크리스틴: Are you ever going to throw away that old T-shirts?
너 그 오래된 티셔츠 버릴거지?
카메론: No, it has a strong sentimental value. I think I might want to be buried in it.
아니, 내겐 소중한 거야. 그 옷이랑 입고 묻히고 싶을 것 같애.

크리스틴: I threw away the rotten vegetables that were in my refrigerator.
냉장고에 있었던 썩은 야채들을 버렸어
카메론: I need to do that. I have some carrots I don’t want to touch.
나도 그래야 해. 만지기도 싫은 당근이 있네

[Power Pattern]
has a long way to go 갈 길이 멀다
The team has a long way to go before it wins a championship.
그 팀은 챔피온쉽에서 우승하려면 갈 길이 멀다.
You have a long way to go to becoming rich and famous.
부유하고 유명해지려면 갈 길이 멀다.

[Power Voca]
outweigh 능가하다
more important or more significan

크리스틴: Thank you so much for joining us. I’m Kristen Cho.
카메론: I’m Cameron Word.
크리스틴: aka 조맹희, 명희, or 선희. 선희 is, my family,like all my cousins, relatives call me 선희.
카메론: 선희?
크리스틴: That was a name given to me by my dad, and then 명희 is my legal name given to me by my 큰 아버지.
카메론: I see.
크리스틴: So, everybody calls me 선희야.
카메론: Do you have like an identity crisis?
크리스틴: I do
카메론: You have like 50 names.
크리스틴: I do, Kristen, 크리스틴, 맹희 in the 경상도 region.
카메론: That’s really cool.
크리스틴: And your Korean name is?
카메론: 이상준
크리스틴: 이상준! I love it.
카메론: I want to change.
크리스틴: I like it. So we have an article for you today and for those of you who don’t have a book.
카메론: What are you doing?
크리스틴: Please go to the bookstore. It’s a new month. We highly recommend that you get the book. If you want a free book, check out the Kristen.Cho on my instagram. That’s my instagram account. I’ll give you a free book.
크리스틴: Okay. Today, we have an article, Rentable Fashion: Green or Bad for the Environment?
크리스틴: You’ve heard about the fact that clothes is a huge waste, incredible.
카메론: Yeah. It’s a lot of waste especially because nowadays we do a lot of fast fashion. We buy things and then throw them away. I mean some of it is not our fault. Because sometimes you don’t have a choice. But where we can, being able to make good choices on the clothes that we buy and wear can definitely help out the environment.
크리스틴: So, what they’re saying is that “Don’t buy, you know, cheap clothing and throw that away right away. It’s so a lot of waste.

크리스틴: So, they’ve come up with rentable fashion.
카메론: I’ve heard of this.
크리스틴: So, before there were rentable bags. And that was very common. Like luxury, high-end brand. You can rent a bag from a month or two. You didn’t know that, Cameron? Now it’s rentable fashion. You can rent clothes.
카메론: What I heard in Korea women can rent wedding dresses.
크리스틴: I believe it.
카메론: In America, you buy that wedding dress.
크리스틴: That’s right. That’s common. We’re gonna talk about rentable fashion. So, it’s kind of intended to save the environment or to help protecting environment. But its title is Green or Bad. Is it good or bad? We have to see. Here some expressions, “in demand.”
카메론: “in demand” means people want it.High demand for it
크리스틴: “double edged sword
카메론: It means that something has good points but also has bad points.
크리스틴: Finally, “throw away something.”
카메론: This means to discard, put in the garbage, put in the trash.

1) Clothing rental has become a big business in high fashion circles, with top brands highly in demand. 2) But renting clothes may be a double-edged sword: 3)the clothes get more use and people don’t throw them away quickly, 4) but the environmental costs of dry cleaning and delivery might outweigh the benefits.
5) However, several reports had conflicting findings. 6) One suggests that every garment that didn’t end up in a landfill was a positive result, while the other said the industry has a long way to go to becoming truly green.

1. Clothing rental has become a big business in high fashion circles, with top brands highly in demand.
크리스틴: It’s a delimma. We’ll see why it’s a delimma. “Clothing rental has become a big business in high fashion circles, with top brands highly in demand.” So, we’re not talking out just like regular, like a cheap clothing. We’re talking about really nice clothes.
카메론: Yes. those name brand clothes.
크리스틴: Yes, you can rent. And those top brands are highly in demand. If something is in demand?
카메론: It’s means it’s very popular. A lot of peple want it. They want to buy it or see it.
크리스틴: So, it’s in demand. It could be anything. Maybe food, a certain type of food in demand.
카메론: a person, a celebrity can be in demand. All of the companies want them to be their model or their advertisements.

2. But renting clothes may be a double-edged sword (오디오 어학당 05:07)
크리스틴: “But renting clothes may be a double-edged sword: the clothes get more use and people don’t throw them away quickly, but the environmental costs of dry cleaning and delivery might outweigh the benefits.” Very long sentence. Let’s break it out.
크리스틴: renting clothes may be a double-edged sword.
카메론: So, this is a phrase that actually same in Korean, this is the 양도의 날, which means that there are two sides to the sword. So it cuts both ways, meaning there a good part and a bad part.
크리스틴: “양날의 검”
카메론: Thank you 피디님!
크리스틴: That was good, though.
카메론: Now I won’t forget because I just made a very embarassing mistake on a national broadcasting.
크리스틴: We know exactly what you were saying.
카메론: “양날의 검”
크리스틴: You are much better than me. That’s for sure. So, double-edged sword is like either this way bad and then this way good.
카메론: Yes. It means, it kind of means, that you can attack something or you could cut yourself. So, depending on how you use it, which way you go, it can help you or hurt you.

3)the clothes get more use and people don’t throw them away quickly (오디오 어학당 06:27)
크리스틴: “The clothes get more use and people don’t throw them away.” So, the whole idea of rental clothing is that more people use it, and you don’t throw that away quickly.
카메론: To throw away, it can just mean throw something in a direction away from you, but in this case, it means put in the trash can to dispose of it.
크리스틴: That’s right. You can actually throw away your job.
카메론: You’d throw away your life.
크리스틴: Yeah, it’s very true.
카메론: When you basically destroy everything you’ve done, that’s, too, throw away. You can throw away a lover.
크리스틴: There you go. It’s interesting because throw away we think of just trash. We have these figurative meanings, too.
카메론: To treat something like trash.

4)but the environmental costs of dry cleaning and delivery might outweigh the benefits. (오디오 어학당 07:21)
크리스틴: But the environmental costs of dry cleaning and delivery might outweigh the benefits. “outweigh” is our power vocabulary.
카메론: outweigh, when we think about a scale, right. On one side you have A, on the other side you have B. The one ### more weight is bigger, right? So one at outweighs, it means, yes, there might be benefits but the bad things are bigger, the bad things are heavier. So, it outweighs.
크리스틴: So, it’s interesting because basically it’s saying that the benefits are there but the dry cleaning and delivery, actually, could be worse for the environment.
카메론: So, you’re trying to do the good things. But by doing the good things, you make the bad things worse.
크리스틴: That’s why it’s a double-edged sword. Let’s continue.

5)Howevere, several reports had conflicting findings. (오디오 어학당 08:21)
카메론: However several reports have conflicting findings. So findings are the results of research or something done. And if they’re conflicting, it means that you’re getting different results. Some results say this is good. Other results say this is bad. So, those different results are fighting on each other. So, they are conflicing.

6) One suggests that every garment that didn’t end up in a landfill was a positive result, while the other said the industry has a long way to go to becoming truly green. (오디오 어학당 08:47)
크리스틴: “One suggests that every garment that didn’t end up in a land was a positive result, while the other say the industry has a long way to go to becoming truly green.” One side is saying rental clothing is good because they don’t, they are not in the landfill. Land fill is a place where they throw away the trash.
카메론: Our garbage go to at the end.
크리스틴: It’s not burned. It’s just sitting there. So, that’s a good thing, while the other, what did they say?
카메론: They said the industry has a long way to go to become truly green. Green here is eco-friendly. And if “it has a long way to go” means there is a lot of progress that needs to be done.

(오디오 어학당 10:23)
크리스틴: If something is in demand?
카메론: It means that people want it. I’ll pay a lot of money for it.
크리스틴: Do you like my new motor cycle? I was on a waiting list for 2 years for it.
카메론: I love it. It’s been in demand since their first model was released.
크리스틴: To be on a waiting list is also a good expression, actually.
카메론: To be on a waiting list, you can either be on a waiting list at a restaurant or you can be on a waiting list for a new item, exclusive, limited edition item that you have to wait for it to come out.
크리스틴: I heard, I’m not sure which electric car it was, it wasn’t hybrid, but it was an electric car. But there was such a high demand for them that there is like one year waiting list.
카메론: I know the brand you’re talking about.
크리스틴: Shirts designed by Pasccuchi were in high demand.
카메론: Yes. 파스쿠치, in the example, is a very famous designer. People want it, but 파스쿠치 only can make so many.
크리스틴: Yes, that’s right. So there are certain like high luxury brands that bags where they have certain kind of material that they use, which is kind of rare. And I remember there were a certain brand. Women had to wait for a year or two to get that bag. And it’s 40,000 or 50,000$
카메론: The same with like luxury watches. You got to wait for the watches to come out and then you go on the store, you get the watch, you walk outside, people will immediately try and buy it from you. It’s in such a high demand. It’s that one famous watch company everyone’s thinking of. If people find out when the new watches come in, and wait for it, people that were on the waiting list say “I’ll give you 200%.” High demand.

(오디오 어학당 12:44)
크리스틴: Double-edged sword.
카메론: It’s literal translation.
크리스틴: It could be good and bad.
크리스틴: What’s like to be famous, Cameron?
카메론: It’s a double-edged sword. I mean it’s nice to have peole like you, but I need my privacy, too. I just want to be a normal kid. Isn’t that the movie you always see the famous person want to be normal.
크리스틴: So, being famous, being a celebrity, I have to say it’s a double-edged sword. You know, we think that it’s all great. Wow you’re so famous. But with fame comes some negative things, too.
카메론: I don’t believe that.
크리스틴: No, I do.
카메론: Okay, I know the people who are famous have problems. I think normal people have the same problems.
크리스틴: True, True.
카메론: I mean, I don’t have privacy.
크리스틴: But, Cameron, when you hear about these celebrities who can’t go out to a normal restaurant or who can’t go shopping without 파파라치 all over. You know, it’s like they can’t do some other normal things, you know, that everybody wants to do.
카메론: Yes. I see. I don’t know. I think it’s a good price to pay. I think it’s an easy price to pay.
크리스틴: Working with family is a double-edged sword because it’s great to be with your loved ones but this disagreements are taken personally. I say ‘Never work with your family or your friends.’
카메론: I’ve heard it like married couples that they’re married for 20 years and then they started a business together. And their work styles were so different. It just like hurt their marriage so much.
크리스틴: It does. What if they get a divorce, and you’ve got this business that you have to do together. It gets very complicated. It gets very personal. So, double-edged sword. Many things you can think of that can be both good and, at the same time, bad.
카메론: Coffee is a double-edged sword.
크리스틴: Why?
카메론: It gives you energy. But then you don’t have it, you have no energy. Let’s see if you never drink coffee, you just feel good all the time
크리스틴: I always feel good when I drink coffee.
카메론: then after it stops, one hour later, I’m depressed, I just want to take a nap. It feels like every day is a rainy day.

(오디오 어학당 15:23)
크리스틴: throw someting away means to discard
카메론:get rid of it
크리스틴: Are you ever going to throw away that old T-shirts?
카메론: No, it has a strong sentimental value. I think I might want to be bruied in it.
크리스틴: How many of you have certain shirts or pajamas that are torn, socks that you don’t throw away?
카메론: I do. I have some shirts I have probably had 15 years.
크리스틴: And why?
카메론: It’s comforting. I just sleep on it now. It’s almost dead. It’s gonna, you know. I’m gonna use it as a rag soon. Do you have anything like that?
크리스틴: Certain pajamas. Because when you wear pajamans, it has to be absolutely comfortable. And the more you wear it, it’s just come softer.
카메론: Yes. Old cotton is so soft.
크리스틴: I threw away the rotten vegetables that were in my refrigerator.
카메론: I need to do that. I have some carrots I don’t want to touch.
크리스틴: Vegetables, when they start to rot in the refrigerator, they smell terrible.

(오디오 어학당 16:46)
크리스틴: Our pattern is “I have a long way to go” or “We have a long way to go.”
카메론: There is a lot of progress that needs to happen.
크리스틴: The team has a long way to go before it wins the championship.
카메론: Right now, the team is not good.
크리스틴: Not good, they’ve got to do a lot of work.
카메론: You have a long way to go to become rich and famous. You’re nobody. No one knows you. You have no talent.
크리스틴: You have no money. You have a long to go.

(오디오 어학당 17:14)
크리스틴: Our power vocabulary is outweigh. It means that if something A weighs B, it’s like more important or more significant.
카메론: Yes.
크리스틴: Check out the expression on page 18. Let’s thank our sponsor.
카메론: 한국 토익 위원회에서 취업과 승진을 위한 토익 스피킹 응시권을 드립니다.
크리스틴/카메론: Please don’t forget the 오디오 어학당.
크리스틴: Okay, have a wonderful day, and we’ll see you soon
카메론: bye bye

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Power English 영어회화 레벨 3 파워 잉글리시
Rentable Fahsion: Green or Bad for the Environment?
대여 가능한 패션: 친환경적인가 아니면 환경에 나쁜가?

