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2022 EBS 이지 라이팅

22.09.02.금 Easy Writing 공지: 강아지를 잃어버렸어요. My little dog 나비 is missing.

by Namaskara 2022. 9. 2.

weigh [무게]가 나간다
나 200 파운드 나가곤 했어.
I used to weigh 200 pounds.
내 아내는 겨우 42kg 나가.
My wife weighs only 42kg(킬로그램ㅈ).
너 몸무게가 어떻게 돼?
How much do you weigh?

desperately 간절히
missing 실종된; 없어진
(missed 그리움을 남한테 당하다)
near ~의 근처에서
parking lot 주차장
(parking garage 도 가능)
Pomeranian 포메라이니언
furry 털이 무성한 (hairy 사람이 몸에 털이 많은)
spot 발견하다. (우연히/순간적으로 발견한다는 느낌)
below 아래에

At the time [평서문]인 당시에
(When [평서문]도 가능하지만, 정확한 그 순간을 강조함)
비행기가 이륙하고 있던 그 당시에 당신은 어디 있었나요?
Where were you at the time the plane took off?
Where were you at the time the plane was taking off?

다행히 그 운전자는 (       ) 안전운전을 하고 있었어.
Fortunately, the driver was wearing the seatbelt
Fortunately, the driver was wearing her seatbelt
(그 SUV가 뒤집어졌던 be rolled over 당시에)
at the time the SUV was thrown down.
at the time the SUV was rolled over.

go missing 실종되다
(missing 실종된 상태)
당신은 아이가 실종되었을 때, 무엇을 하고 있었죠?
What were you doing when your kid child went missing?
얼마나 많은 사람들이 실종되었나요?
How many people have gone missing?
How many people went missing?

at any time of the day or night 낮이나 밤이나 아무때나
당신은 낮이든 밤이든 아무때나 메시지 해도 됩니다.
You can send me messages at any time of the day or night.
You can message me at any time of the day or night.
낮에 아무때나 저희 사무실에 들리세요.
Please stop by our office at any time of the day.

[Five Golden Sentences]
사라진 저의 강아지 나비를 간절히 찾고 있어요.
I’m desperately looking for my missing dog 나비
EBS 주차장 근처에서 마지막으로 목격됐고요
that was last seen near EBS parking lot.
who was last seen near the EBS parking lot.

몸무게는 8파운드 정도 나가고, 털이 많은 8살 짜리 포메라이언이에요.
She is an 8-year-old Pomeranian that weighs around 8 lbs(pounds) and is very furry.

실종된 당시에 파란 스웨터를 입고 있었어요.
Nabi was wearing a blue sweater at the time she went missing.

저의 유일한 가족이라서 나비가 없이 어떻게 살지 모르겠어요.
She is the only family that I have, and I I don’t know what I would do without her.

누구라도 나비를 발견하시면, 낮이든 밤이든 아무때나 아래 번호로 전화해주세요.
If anybody spots her, please call me at the number below at any time of the day or night.

마유의 개 와루는 7kg이 나가.
마유’s dog Waru weighs 7 kgs.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 공지: 강아지를 잃어버렸어요. at any time of the day or night.

