세린쌤: So yeasterday we talked about how you just recently uploaded your first video online. But you procrastinated for years and years. Even me, I told you to uploaded many years ago. You came up with the excuses.

get the hang of [명사]에 능숙해지다. 감을 잡다.
그 신입사원은 그의 직업에 뭔가 능숙해지고 있어.
The new employee has got the hang of his job.
The new guy is getting the hand of his job.
걱정하지마, 너 금방 그거에 능숙해질거야.
Don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it soon.
와~ 그거 능숙해지는 데 3년 걸렸어.
Wow, it took me 3 years to get the hang of it.
20.03.16.월 Once you get the hang of it, 일단 너가 그것의 감을 잡으면, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 6th of March. Please don't think about Monday blues because you're going to study and listen to posh accent and speak out loud which is the easiest and fastest way to study Engl
tricky 까다로운; 애매한
세린쌤: This is not, like, completely/extremely difficult.
editing 편집
nearly (almost) 거의
complete 완성하다
courage 용기
drive 추진력
accept 받아들이다
Do you accept my apology?
good 잘 하는
take [목적이] [기간/시간] = [목적어]에게 [시간/기간]이 걸리다.
와~ 이 로고를 생각해내는데 그들에게 3년이 걸렸어.
It took them 3 years to come up with this logo.
내 영주권 받는데 10년 걸렸어.
It took me 10 years to get my green card.
Now that I think about it 이제와서 생각해봐서
now that [평서문] = 이제 [평서문]하니깐
이제와 생각해보니깐, 나도 그를 사랑했나보다.
Now that I think about it, I guess I loved him too.
=> 과거에는 미처 그렇게 생각하지 못했다의 뉘앙스
이제와서 생각해보니깐, 그는 월요일에 출근을 하지 않잖아.
Now that I think about it, he doens’t go to work on Mondays.
as you go (실제로 뭔가를) 해보면서
** as (동시에) ~ 하면서
** go 진행하다
너 해보면서 점차 능숙해질거야.
You’ll get the hang of it as you go.
너 해보면서 더 빨라질거야.
You’ll get faster as you go.
[Five Golden Sentences] 까다로운 부분은 바로 편집이었는데, 완성하는데 거의 5시간이 걸렸다.
The tricky part was editing which took me nearly 5 hours to complete.
세린쌤: We’re very resilient and very adaptive.
오늘이 비디오 편집 4번째인데, 능숙해지고 있는 것같다.
Today was my 4th time editing a video and I think I’m getting the hang of it.
** get used to => 특별히 하는 것 없이 적응하다
** get the hang of it => 적극적으로 하면서 적응하다 (실력이 늘다)
생각해보면, 약간의 용기와 추진력만 있으면 되는 거 였다.
Now that I think about it, all I needed was some sort of courage and drive.
내 비디오들이 절대 완벽하지 않을 거라는 사실을 받아들이는 데 수년이 걸렸다.
It took me years to accept the fact that my vidoes would never be pefect.
세린쌤: 선생님, I have one thing to sayto you. “better late than never.”
뭔가를 시작하기 위해 그걸 잘할 필요는 없다.
You don’t have to be good at something to start it.
그냥 하는 거다. 그러면 하면서 더 잘하게 될 것이다.
You just do it and you’ll get better at it as you go.
세린쌤: This is so true, 선생님. I think a lot of people can relate to this. People often think that they have to be perfect at something. If you want to be really good at something, how are you ever gonna get their, if you ever start? I think your diary is probably going to push a lot of people.
난 이제 막 그것에 능숙해졌어.
I’ve just got the hang of it.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 (2) My very first i-Tube (2)