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2023 EBS 이지 라이팅

23.10.18.수 Easy Writing 대화: 엄마와 아들의 대화 A Conversation between a Mom and her Son

by Namaskara 2023. 10. 18.

take a break 쉬다; 휴식 시간을 갖다
take some breaks in between ~
우리 5분간 쉬는 거 어때요?
Why don’t we take a break for 5 minutes?
저희 30분간 쉴 수 있어요?
Can we take a break for 30 minutes?
그들은 너무 여러번 쉬었어.
They took breaks too many times.
They took too many breaks.

school 학교
a bit 약간
down 우울한, 풀이 죽은
bother 신경쓰이게 하다
bully 괴롭히다; 괴롭히는 사람 somebody who is stronger whether physically or emotionally, and they verbally even physically abuse someone weaker than them.
classmate 반친구, 급우
right away 즉시
okidoki 좋아~ 알겠다~

get along with [목적어]와 어울리다
마유의 친구들이랑 어울리는 것은 좀 힘들었어.
It was hard to get along with Mayu’s friends.
세린쌤: Mayu has some very unique friends.
마유는 그의 새 친구들이랑 잘 어울리고 있어.
Mayu is getting along fine with his new friends.

be overwhelmed with [명사]에 어쩔 줄 모르다/ 감당이 안되다.
난 너무 많은 일 때문에 어쩔 줄 모르겠어.
I’m overwhelmed with too much work.
그들은 너무 많은 주문들로 어쩔 줄 몰라했다.
They were overwhelmed with too many orders.

have a problem with [목적어] = [목적어]와 문제가 있다.
난 내 상사와 문제가 있다.
I have a problem with my boss.
그녀는 새로 산 자동차에 뭔가 문제가 있었어.
She had a problem with her new car.


[Five Fabulous Sentences]

학교는 어땠어, 아들?
How was your day at school, honey?
새 친구들이랑 잘 지내고 있고?
Are you getting along with your new friends?

학교는 진짜 별거 없었어요.
Umm, school was okay. I mean there was nothing special really.

다 괜찮은 거야?
Is everything alright?
약간 기운 빠진 것같은데
You sound a bit down.
약간 신경쓰이는 친구가 있어?
Is someone bothering you or something?

아니야 엄마. 괴롭히는 애들은 없어요.
No mom. There are no bullies.
그냥 숙제가 많아서 어쩔 줄 모르겠어요.
I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed with homework.

I see.
쉬기도 하는거 잊지 말고,
Remember to take breaks.
반친구 누구랑과도 문제가 생기면 엄마한테 바로 알려줘야 해. 알겠지?
And if you have a problem with anyone of your classmates, you let mommy know right away. Okidoki.

너 직장동료들이랑 문제가 있니?
Are you having a problem with co-workers.

출처 EBS 반디 오디오어학당 5dang.egs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 대화: 엄마와 아들의 대화 A Conversation between a Mom and her Son

