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EBS Easy English (이보영 & 주치)

24.05.06.월 Easy English (영어회화 레벨 2) It wasn’t that bad! 그렇게 나쁘지 않았거든!

by Namaskara 2024. 5. 6.

** home made meal 집에서 만든 음식
** That sounds lovely.
** effort 노력
** A for effort: 노력은 A 이다. You tried hard. You didn’t the A. You didn’t get a good result but at least you did your best.

남: 어버이날 무슨 계획있어?
남) Do you have any plans for Parents’ Day?
책) Got any plans for Parent’s Day?
** Have you got any plans ~ ? = Got any plans ~  ?

여: 난 부모님 모시고 저녁 식사 사드릴까 하는데 think of
여) I’m considering taking my parents for dinner.
책) I was thinking of taking my parents out for dinner
여: 너는 어때?
여) How about you?
책) How about you?

** think of doing something = plan on doing something
** How about you = Yourself? 너는 어때
** take [목적어] out for dinner
I’d like to take you out for dinner some time. 제가 한 번 식사 모시고 싶은데요.

남: 난 집에서 요리를 해서, 엄마를 놀라게 해드릴까 하는데.
남) I’m going to surprise her with home-made meals
책) I’m planning to surprise my mom with a home-made meal
남: 스파게티처럼 간단한 것으로
남) like a spaghetti.
책) Maybe something simple like a spaghetti.

여: 그거 참 좋겠다.
여) Sounds like a plan
책) That sounds lovely,
여: 비록 맛은 내가 잘 모르겠지만 말이지.
여) even though I’m not sure how it tastes.
책) although I’m not too sure about the taste

남: 야, 그렇게 나쁘지 않거든
남) Hey!! It wasn’t that bad!
책) Come on! it wasn’t that bad!

여: 농담이야!
여) Just kidding!
책) Just kidding!
여: 틀림없이 그 노력을 어머니가 가상히 여길것이다
여) I’m sure she will probably appreciate your try.
책) I’m sure she will appreciate the effort.

** Just Kidding = JK <= texting

전 당신을 근사한 한국식당에 데려가고 싶어요.
I’d like to take you out to a fancy Korean restaurant.

출처 EBS 반디 오디오어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 잉글리쉬 Easy English (영어회화 레벨 2) It wasn’t that bad! 그렇게 나쁘지 않았거든!

