영어 회화 영작30 21.05.13.목 Easy Writing 이메일: 영어 과외 답변 You’re tackling the problem the wrong way. the wrong way 잘못된 방식으로 the right way 제대로된 방식으로 넌 있잖아 여자분들은 잘못된 방식으로 대하고 있어 Well, you treat women the wrong way. You are treating ladies the wrong way. 이걸 잘 못된 방식으로 받아들이지마 Don’t get this the wrong way. Don’t take this the wrong way. 넌 한번에 제대로 해야돼 You should do it the right way at once. You have to do it the right way the first time. ================================= dilemma 딜레마 (*di~: 2개) tackle .. 2022. 5. 13. [2021.04.26.Mon][Easy Writing] Here is what you need to know That's because [평서문] 그것은 [평서문]이기 때문입니다. That's because you have bad attitudes. That's because you have a bad attitude. That's because you ate it without me That's because you are learning from the best. ============================= dose 복용;투여 effective, doctor's office병원 vaccinate 백신주사를 놓다 면역체계 immune system, antibody 항체 inject 주입하다, muscle ============================= Here is [명사]: 여기 [명사]가 있.. 2022. 4. 26. 22.04.20.수 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 (1) It’s time to take care of my health What if [평서문]이면 어떡하지? (혼자 걱정하는 느낌) 세리나가 짜장면을 좋아하지 않으면 어떡하지? What if Serina doesn’t like 짜장면? 세린쌤: As long as there is 탕수육, I’ll love it. 그 가격이 떨어지면 어떡할거야? 넌 그걸 팔거야? What if the price goes down? Are you going to sell it? What if the price drops? Are you going to sell it? 내가 그녀와 연락이 끊기 lose contact with면 어떡하지? What if I disconnect to her? What if I lose contact with her? ==========================.. 2022. 4. 20. 21.04.20.화 Easy Writing 이메일: 인터넷 접속 장애 답변 There is no problem with the signal. download from [명사]: [명사]에서 다운로드를 받다 (*upload to [명사] ~로 업로드하다.) You can download the patch from our website. I downloaded the file from your blog. We uploaded many songs to our website. ================================== inconvenience, go through 겪다, indicate 나타나다 signal 신호, firmware 펌웨어, suspect 용의자, suspect 의심하다;추측하다 manufacturer 제조사, persist지속되다(The problem is persisting) ====================.. 2022. 4. 20. 22.04.14.목 Easy Writing 뉴스: 탑승객들을 겁준 비행 중의 고함 (1) Mid-Air Ranting Scares Passengers (1) reach for [명사]를 집으려고 손을 뻗다. 그는 그 무기를 집으려고 손을 뻗었다. He reached for the weapon. 그 용의자는 그의 가방 안에서 뭔가를 집으려고 손을 뻗었다. The suspect reached for something in his bag 그녀는 그 서랍장안에서 그 거울을 집으려고 손을 뻗었다. She reached for the mirror in the drawer. ‘reach out for [명사]’로 표현하여 동작을 강조할 수 있음. ** reach for the stars 별을 잡으려고 손을 뻗다 =>꿈을 크게 꾸다. You can reach for the stars. You can do anything. ============================.. 2022. 4. 14. 21.04.14.수 Easy Writing영화:Bewitched? Jack thinks Isabel is the perfect candidate sweet-talk SOMEBODY into [~ ing]: SOMEBODY를 달콤한 말로 꼬셔서 [~ ing]하게 하다 세리나 sweet-talked 마유 into eating a piece of cake. They sweet-talked 세리나 into skipping the class. They sweet-talked 세리나 into cutting the class. The salesperson sweet-talked the guest into buying more. The salesperson sweet-talked the customer into buying more. ================================= cast(cast-cast-cast), lead role, unkn.. 2022. 4. 14. 21.04.06.화 I am at a loss for words. 당황해서 할 말을 잃었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Tuesday, the 6th of April. Let's don't waste our time since we just started April. Now today we've got to read, write, speak and listen. These are the four core skills to practice English. And I am sure you can master these 4 core skills with me in 20 minutes, in a blink of an eye. Are you ready? *loss 분실/손실 *at a loss (분실하여)당황스러워서 어쩔 줄 모르는 *at a loss for words 무슨 말을 해야할지 모르는 당황하여 할말을 잃.. 2022. 4. 6. 22.04.02.토 Easy Writing 이지 라이팅 Weekly Review 03/28 ~ 04/01 2022.03.28.월 Mayu bot Vacuum 후기: 로봇 청소기 (1) 일주일에 한 번 진공청소기로 감당할 수 있어요. Vacuuming the house once a week, I can handle that. 하지만 매일하는 건 됐다구요. But doing it every day, forget about it. 마유 Bot Vacuum 덕분에, Thanks to the 마유 bot Vacuum, 전 더이상 진공청소기로 집을 치워야하는 걸 걱정할 필요가 없어요. I no longer have to worry about having to vacuum the house. 그게 저에게 많은 시간과 에너지를 아껴줘요. It saves me a great deal of time and energy. It.. 2022. 4. 2. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음 반응형