일상 영어 회화14 21.10.28.목 Hobby Bands 밴드 동호회(직장인 밴드) _ 입이 트이는 영어 현석샘: Do you play any musical instrument? 제니쌤: Oh no. 현석샘: No? You used to? Did you get any lesson when you were young? 제니쌤: Well, I took piano lessons. 현석샘: Me too. 제니쌤: I learned piano for 8 years but it's been so long since I quit it.. My boy is learning the piano right now. 현석샘: Does he go to piano lessons? 제니쌤: No. I have a teacher that comes by once a week and I can not play. 현석샘: Does he l.. 2021. 10. 28. 21.10.25.월 Waterparks 워터파크 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Waterparks Our kids go crazy for waterparks all year long. 우리집 애들은 사시사철 워터파크에 열광한다. They were very disappointed that we couldn’t go even once last year because of the coronavirus. 코로나 때문에 작년에 한번도 못 가서 애들이 상당히 실망했다. So early this year, we visited a waterpark that featured water from hot springs. 그래서 올해 초에 온천물이 나오는 워터파크를 방문했다. Of course, we followed quarantine guidelines very.. 2021. 10. 25. 21.10.21.목 The Importance of Medical Checkups 건강검진의 중요성 [입이 트이는 영어] [Speaking] Talk about The Importance of Medical Checkups. 건강검진의 중요성에 대해서 이야기해주세요. Early this year I received the national health examination. 올해 초에 국가 건강 검진을 받았다. On the very day that I received the exam the doctor's diagnosis was that I might have colon cancer. 검사를 받은 당일에 의사의 진단은 내가 대장암일 수도 있다는 것이었다. Exactly 10 days after the exam, I went to a University hospital for surgery to have it removed... 2021. 10. 21. 21.10.20.수 Webtoons 웹툰 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Webtoons 웹툰에 대해서 이야기해주세요. Webtoon is a newly-coined word combining web and cartoon. 웹툰은 웹과 카툰이 합쳐진 신조어이다. It refers to comics that are published on online platforms. 해외에서는, 이 단어가 한국의 인터넷 만화를 지칭하는 고유명사가 되었다. Overseas, the word has become a proper noun referring to Korea's online comics. 해외에서는, 이 단어가 한국의 인터넷 만화를 지칭하는 고유명사가 되었다. Just 10 years ago, webtoons were not a widesprea.. 2021. 10. 20. 21.08.02.월 Homemade Coffee 집에서 만드는 커피 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Brewing Coffee at Home More and more people are brewing coffee and tea by themselves at home. The best part of a home cafe is that you can drink coffee and tea as you like, regardless of time and place. Pour-over coffee is known for its great taste in aroma, and you can choose from various beans depending on your taste. For the best pour-over coffee, you have to start with .. 2021. 8. 2. 21.01.15.금 Military Reserve Force 예비군 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Brainstorming] Military Reserve Force, Mandatory, discharge, reserve forces training (예비군 훈련) [Speaking] Technically speaking, Korea is still at war. We are in an armistice. That's why Korean men have to do mandatory military service for about 2 years. But even after being discharged from the military, their military duty isn't over. (Ex. I was discharged from the military in 2010) Dischagred s.. 2021. 1. 15. 이전 1 2 다음 반응형