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All about writing in English22

21.12.08.수 Easy Writing 공지: 연말 동창회 (1) Notice: The Mayu University Class of 98 G 세린쌤: Hello Everyone! Welcome to the best radio program on the planet. 마유쌤: What is it called? 세린쌤: Easy Writing! There will be [명사]가 있을 겁니다. 그 세미나 중에 연설이 있습니다. There will be a speech during the seminar. There will be a speech during the seminar. 그 쇼들 사이에 5분의 휴식이 있을 겁니다. There will be a 5-minute break between the shows. There will be a 5-minute break between the shows. 그 아파트 옆에 놀이터가 있곤 했어. There .. 2022. 12. 8.
21.12.07.화 Easy Writing 뉴스: 커피숍 다이어트 (2) A Lady on an Extraordinary Diet If you think about it, 잘 생각해보면, (당연한 것에 대해 훌쩍 넘어가지 말고 곰곰히 생각해보자) 잘 생각해보면, 영어는 배우기에 그렇게 어렵지 않습니다. If you think about it, English is not that difficult to learn. If you think about it, English is not so difficult to learn. 세린쌤: I think the key to learning any language is consistency. 꾸준히 하시면 You’ll see great improvement 잘 생각해보면, 그건 좀 말이 돼요. If you think about it, it does make sense. If you think a.. 2022. 12. 7.
21.12.06.월 Easy Writing 뉴스: 커피숍 다이어트 (1) An lady on an extraordinary diet(1) stick to [명사]를 고수하다. 우린 반드시 기본을 고수해야만 합니다. We must stick to basics. We must stick to the basics. 세린쌤: Don’t try to do something fancy. Let’s just stick to the basics. 우리의 원래 계획을 고수합시다. Let’s stick to our original plan. Let’s stick to our original plan. 저는 당신이 그 규칙들을 고수하라고 제안합니다. I suggest that you stick to the regulations. I suggest that you stick to the rules. 마유쌤: Otherwise, you might get fire.. 2022. 12. 6.
21.12.04.토 Easy Writing 이지 라이팅 Weekly Review 11/29 ~ 12/03 2021.11.29.월 Please accept my deepest condolences 이메일: 진심 어린 애도 아버님의 별세 소식을 듣고 할 말을 잃었습니다. I was completely lost for words to hear of your father passing. I was completely lost for words to hear of your father’s passing. 저를 포함한 많은 이들에게 영향을 끼친 쾌활한 분으로 항상 기억할 것입니다. I’ll always remember him as a cheerful guy who influenced many including myself. I’ll always remember him as a cheerful man who influe.. 2022. 12. 4.
21.11.29.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 진심 어린 애도 Please accept my deepest condolences. ** be lost for words 할 말을 잃다 (상황: 충격, 슬픔, 열받음, 긍정적인 놀람) ** speechless (긍정적인 상황) 난 내가 그의 죽음에 대해 들었을 때, 할말을 잃었다. I'm lost for words when I heard about his death. I was lost for words when I heard of his death. 세리나는 그녀가 자신이 이 달의 직원이라는 얘길 들었을 때, 할 말을 잃었어. Serina was lost for words when she heard that she was the employee of the month. Serina was lost for words when she heard that she was the empolye.. 2022. 11. 29.
21.11.26.금 Easy Writing 정보: 와인 고르는 법 How to pick up the perfect wine be known to [동사원형]한다고 알려져 있다. ** be proved to (확실히 증명된 경우) 이지 라이팅은 매우 효과적인 영어 프로그램이라고 알려져 있습니다. Easy Writing is known to be a very effective English program. Easy Writing is known to be a very effective English program. 마늘은 많은 병들을 치유한다고 알려져 있습니다. Garlic is known to cure a lot of diseases. Garlic is known to cure many diseases. 세린쌤: I don't think I can live without garlic. 마유쌤: 저두요. 갈릭은 좋습니다. 세린쌤.. 2022. 11. 26.
21.11.24.수 Easy Writing 정보: 인체에 대한 흥미로운 사실 (1) Interesting facts about the Human take after [목적어]를 닮다 look like (외적으로) 닮다. 난 아이들이 그들의 부모를 닮다고 믿어. I believe children take after their parents. I believe children take after their parents. 난 너의 아이가 너의 남편을 닮지 않기를 바래 I hope your baby doesn't take after your husband. I hope your baby doesn't take after your husband. 조쉬는 그의 할아버지를 닮았어 Josh takes after his grandfather. Josh takes after his grandfather. =========================== cart.. 2022. 11. 24.
21.11.22.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 도착하지 않은 국제 배송 (1) I tried to look up the shipping s hand [목적어] over to [명사]=[명사]에게 [목적어]를 넘기다. 그 사건은 FBI에게 넘겨졌어. The incident was handed over to FBI. The case was handed over to the FBI. 그들은 그 무기를 한국 경찰 당국에 넘겼다. They handed the weapons over to the Korean police authorities. They handed the weapons over to the Korean police authorities. 그 새로운 프로젝트는 다른 부서에 넘겨줬어. The new project was handed over to the other department. The new project was handed ove.. 2022. 11. 22.