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EBS 오디오 어학당1171

21.12.29.수 How to Deal with Noisy Upstairs Neighbors 시끄러운 위층을 상대하는 방법 [귀트영] 안젤쌤: Especially with COVID 19, this was a problem we saw in the news a lot. Kids are home all day. A lot of parents are home all day. We just have to hear more things, right? This is a very sensitive subject but I think almost everyone has experience with either somebody complaining to them about them being noisy or them having to complain someone else about them being noisy. 현석쌤: Yes, indeed. g.. 2021. 12. 29.
21.12.23.목 How Did the Tooth Fairy Tradition Begin? 이의 요정 전통은 어떻게 시작되었을까? [귀트영] 안젤쌤: Now I know that a lot of kids are actually excited to finally ### their teeth because they want money from tooth fairy. Different cultures around the world have different traditions to mark a child's lost tooth. Among these, the so-called Tooth Fairy is a relatively recent and specifically American myth. In places like Asia or Central America, people believe in offering a loss lost tooth to.. 2021. 12. 23.
21.12.22.수 The Benefits of Breastfeeding 모유 수유의 이점 [귀트영] 안젤쌤: We're talking about breastfeeding, the benefits. Now I would like say that each case is different. Some mothers can breastfeed or formular is better for working moms. It's difficult as well. But science has shown that breast milk is sort of like a magic for babies. 현석쌤: A lot of data has been accumulated. And a lot of people just ### for common sense breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby.. 2021. 12. 22.
21.12.21.화 Why You Should Teach Your Kids to Cook 아이들에게 요리를 가르쳐야 하는 이유 [귀트영] 현석쌤: Do you like cooking personally? 안젤쌤: I do actually. 현석쌤: Have you ever tried to teach your kids how to cook? for any reason at all? 안젤쌤: I have two sons now. When only had a one, things are a lot easier. Actually, he would help me at least two times a week. So we can all Saturday ritual was making fan-cakes and omletts together. 현석쌤: It was fun together? 안젤쌤: Yes. He loved it. He would brin.. 2021. 12. 21.
21.12.17.금 The Benefits of Weekend Getaways 주말 여행의 이점 [귀트영] 현석쌤: I’m sure a lot of peole think about going on a vacation every year. Now there are longer versions of these vacations, but there are also shorter ones, the ones that I called getaways. 안젤쌤: Yes. That’s right. It sort of implies that you’re ticking just a few days to quickly get away, to escape from your regular everyday life. 현석쌤: If you had Saturday and Sunday to the schedule, you only have.. 2021. 12. 17.
21.12.16.목 Should We Make or Buy Kimchi in the U.S.? 미국에서 김치를 담가야 할까, 구입해야 할까? [ 현석쌤: Let me ask you a question. Do you buy Kimchi that you eat for your family, or do you make it yourself? 안젤쌤: I definitely buy. I know some people definitely like the taste of home made Kimchi. I, too, like the taste of home-made Kimchi. But, unfortunately, If I were to make it, the taste wouldn't come. 현석쌤: A lot of people buy Kimchi these days and because of that, the industry is getting bi.. 2021. 12. 16.
21.12.15.수 Russia Blocks U.N. Move to Treat Climate as Security Threat. 러시아, 기후변화를 안보위협으로 규정하려는 유엔의 움직임을 저지하다. [EBS 최모스] Russia Blocks U.N. Move to Treat Climate as Security Threat 러시아, 기후변화를 안보위협으로 규정하려는 유엔의 움직임을 차단하다. Writer by Rick Gladstone Russia on Monday blocked a United Nations Security Council draft resolution, under negotiation for many months, that for the first time would have defined climate change as a threat to peace. The resolution, which enjoyed wide-ranging support, would have significantly expan.. 2021. 12. 15.
21.12.14.화 Mental Health in Pregnancy 임신 중 정신 건강 _ 귀가 트이는 영어 안젤쌤: We go through a lot of hormonal changes, and so our emotions are effected for sure. For me, personally I also cried for really silly reasons. For example, I asked my husband and it was telling him that I was really craving corn bread. But I was thinking American style Corn Bread, but he brought home Korean style Corn Bread. What is it!!! 내 남편은 내 맘을 이해 못하고 있어. Pregnancy is usually a happy an.. 2021. 12. 14.