안젤쌤: We're talking about breastfeeding, the benefits. Now I would like say that each case is different. Some mothers can breastfeed or formular is better for working moms. It's difficult as well. But science has shown that breast milk is sort of like a magic for babies.
현석쌤: A lot of data has been accumulated. And a lot of people just ### for common sense breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby and the mother.
안젤쌤: Absolutely, I, out of the two of us, experienced. For my first son, I breastfed for 10 months. For the second son, only 3 months. It was just too much difficult, I think, the second time around. But I will say that when the baby is sick or maybe when my body was going through something like a virus so I was feeling a little under the weather, even the color would change. So, that I found fascinating if the baby would be sick, it turned to more ## thicker yellow and I read that that means there's more anti bodies ### liquid go ## for the baby
현석쌤: It helps the baby develop a healthier defense system against virus and bacteria. But I also heard it helps tighten the bond between the mother and the baby. That's another benefit.
안젤쌤: I ate like a horse. I was always hungry.

The benefits of breastmilk are plentiful. It provides abundant nutritional components from the mother. Also, the mother's more mature immune system helps protect the baby from germs. Breastmilk cause coats the lining of the baby's stomach, which also keeps it healthy. Finally, breastmilk contains susbstances that naturally soothe infants.
모유의 이점은 많다. 엄마로부터 풍부한 영양성분은 공급한다. 엄마의 더 성숙한 면역 체계는 아기를 세균으로부터 보호하는데 도움이 된다. 모유는 아기의 위벽을 코팅하고 건강하게 유지해준다. 마지막으로 모유는 영아들을 자연스럽게 달래주는 물질을 함유하고 있다.
** soothe 달래다; 진정시켜다 soothing music 잔잔한 음악
** coat 입히다
** lining 위벽
** coat the lining: provide extra layer of protection
** abundant = plentiful
Most doctors recommend breastfeeding for at least 6 months or longer. Breastmilk contains everything a baby needs for the first 6 months of life. Its composition even changes according to the baby's changing needs. During the days after birth, breastmilk is high in protein and low in sugar.
대부분의 의사들은 최소 6개월이나 그 이상 모유수유를 권장한다. 모유는 아기가 생후 첫 6개월 동안 필요로 하는 모든 것을 갖고있다. 심지어 아이의 변화는 요구에 맞춰 모유의 구성성분도 바뀐다. 생후 몇일 동안, 모유는 단백질 함량이 높고, 당분은 낮다.
** composition 구성 성분
** high in fat, low in carb 저탄고지
Breastmilk is loaded with elements that help babies stave off viruses and bacteria. This is especially important in those early months. When mothers are exposed to viruses or bacteria, they start producing antibodies that then go into the milk. This is something that instant baby formular can not replicate.
모유에는 아기가 바이러스와 박테리아를 막아내는 데 도움되는 성분들이 많다. 이것은 특히 초기에 몇개월동안 중요하다. 엄마가 바이러스나 박테리아에 노출되면, 항체를 생성하기 시작하고 그것이 모유로 간다. 이건 즉석 분유로는 분유가 복제할 수 없는 어떤 것이다.
** replicate (결과가 똑같이 나오도록) 복사/복제하다
** baby food 이유식
** formular 분말 ; 분유
** antibody 항체
** loaded 엄청 많은
** stave off 미연에 막다
Breastfeeding may even help mothers lose weight. While some women seem to gain weight during breastfeeding, others seem to lose it ###licitly effortlessly. Most reseach shows that breastfeeding does burn calories. These studies suggest that after 3 months, breastfeeding mother experience an increase in fat burning compared to non-breastfeeding mothers. The difference, however, is small.
모유 수유는 산모들의 체중 감량이 도움이 될지도 모른다. 일부 여성들이 모유수유 중에 체중이 늘어나는 것처럼 보이는 반면에, 다른 이들은 아무 노력없이 체중을 감량하는 듯하다. 많은 연구에 따르면, 모유수유가 칼로리를 태우긴 한다. 이 연구결과는 3개월 후에, 모유수유하는 산모들이 그렇지 않은 산모들에 비해 지방 분해가 증가하는 것을 경험한다고 보여준다. 그러나 그 차이는 적다.
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