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Easy Writing224

21.04.16.금 Easy Writing 대사: Bewitched, I just wish to live an ordinary life. pretty much 거의(=almost) The scientist is so smart that he knows pretty much everything. I am so hungry that I can eat pretty much anything. I am so starving that I can eat pretty much anything. I've finished pretty much. I've pretty much done. ============================== rich and famous 부유하고 유명한 extremely, wealthy, ordinary, guess 맞춰보다/추측하다/~인 것같다. become 그렇게 (되다) materialize실현되다, give up ===.. 2022. 4. 17.
21.04.15.목 Easy Writing 영화: Bewitched? (2) Isabel is accepting Jack's offer. be obsessed with [명사] [명사]에 집착하다 Emma Ston is obsessed with K-pop My son is obsessed with Pororo. What do you think 세리나 is obsessed with? ================================= naive 순진무구한, accept, overhear 엿들다 기회주의적인 opportunistic, betrayed, fooled, instantly, love-strunck 사랑에 사로잡힌 ================================= end up [~동사] : 결국 [~ 동사]하다 Tina ended up accepting the job offer. If you continue to .. 2022. 4. 15.
22.04.13.수 Easy Writing 하우투: 프렌치토스트 만드는 방법 How to Make French Toast ** try ~ing (한번 시도)해보다 ** try to [동사]하려고 하다 (**동사가 최종 목표임) I’m trying to lose my weight. 살 빼려고 하다. (살빼기가 최종 목표 goal) I tried walking, eating less, running. 너 살 빼고 싶어? 덜 먹는 걸 시도해봐. Do you want to lose weight? Try eating less. Do you want to lose weight? Try eating less. 그녀를 구출하기 위해, 그들은 그녀를 당기늘 걸 시도해봤다. To rescue her, they tried pulling her. To rescue her, they tried pulling her. 대문자를 사용해보는 게 어때?.. 2022. 4. 13.
22.04.12.화 Easy Writing 이메일: 적합한 모델을 찾아 (2) In Search on a Right Model (2) if you’re okay with that 그래도 괜찮다면, 그래도 괜찮다면 전 서명할 준비가 되어 있습니다. If you’re okay with that, I’m ready to sign. If you’re okay with that, I’m ready to sign. 그래도 괜찬다면 더 이상의 시간을 낭비하지 맙시다. If you’re okay with that, let’s not waste time anymore. If you’re okay with that, let’s not waste anymore time. 그래도 괜찮다면, 전 당신에게 그 계약서를 보내겠습니다. If you’re okay with that, I’ll send you the contract. If you’re okay wit.. 2022. 4. 12.
21.04.12.월 Easy Writing 카드: 결혼식 하객에게 감사 We promise to be there for you. promise to [동사원형] [동사원형] 할 것을 약속하다. I promise to be here early. I promise to love you every moment. I promise to be there for you when you need me. ================================ presence참석, words말, express, gratitude(내가 감사함을 느낌) blessing 축복 what a blessing! blessed축복받은 I am so blessed. family member 가족 구성원 congratulate (누군가)를 축하하다 ================================ grace [목적어] with one`s presen.. 2022. 4. 12.
22.04.11.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 적합한 모델을 찾아 (1) in search of a right model (1) rather than [명사]보다는 차라리 난 돈 보다는 차라리 행복을 원해. I want happiness rather than money. I want happiness rather than money. 우린 전문 편집자들 보다는 차라리 아마추어 편집자들을 찾고 있어. We’re looking for amateur editors rather than professional ones. We’re looking for amateur editors rather than professional editors. 세린쌤: Maybe they’re working on a budget. 그들은 아마 빠듯한 예산으로 일하고 있다. 저는 당신에게 캔디보다는 차라리 당근을 먹으라고 충고합니다. I advise you o.. 2022. 4. 11.
21.04.09.금 Easy Writing 조언: 세리나의 조언 It’s so important to enjoy the process. look back on [명사] [명사]를 뒤돌아보다 I looked back on my past. We looked back on our shared time We looked back on the times we had together. You`ll be proud of yourself when you look back on your life. ========================================== enjoy, process, reach, critical, remind, achievement, give a pat 토닥토닥, fulfilling 뿌듯하게 하는 ========================================== be fixated on ~ing [~ing] .. 2022. 4. 9.
21.04.08.목 Easy Writing 비즈니스 통화: 봉급 인상 요구 (2) I think it's high time I g [Introduction by 세리나] Yesterday, we had a chat between Mayu and his boss. Now we`re continuing that because he hasn't said what he wanted to say. it's high time [평서문(과거형)] [평서문]일 때가 됐다. I think it's high time I got promoted. I think it's high time I got a promotion. It's high time that you got your own space. I think it`s high time I met your parents. [2021.07.29.Thu]영국영어 It's high time we bough.. 2022. 4. 8.