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Online English Learning591

22.03.09.수 Easy Writing 미드: The Good Place (3) team up with [명사]와 협력하다. 그들은 경험있는 디자이너들과 팀을 이뤘다. They teamed up with the experienced designers. They teamed up with the experienced designers. 마유는 멋진 영어 프로그램을 만들어내기 위해 세리나와 팀을 이뤘다. MAYU teamed up with Serina to make a great English program. MAYU teamed up with Serina to creat a marvelous English program 우리 회사는 그 프로젝트를 위해서 또 다른 회사와 팀을 이뤘다. Our company teamed up with another company for the projec.. 2022. 3. 9.
21.03.09.화 Easy Writing 공지: COVID-19 Vaccines have been approved by the FDA [Introduction] S:Hello everyone and welcome back to the program. Hello 선생님! My fabulous co-host! How are you doing? M: Good! How are you doing? S: I am doing great. 선생님! What are we gonna be doing today? over [나이] under [나이] Only students over 15 are allowed to admitted. Only students over 15 will be admitted. If you are over 18, you can vote. Children under 10 can not watch this movie. ========.. 2022. 3. 9.
21.03.09.화 I am not good with words. 난 말주변이 없어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 9th of March. What can we do on Tuesday after an unproductive Monday? I am saying if you had an unproductive day. Well, pick one thing you missed yesterday, and do it today. And pick one more thing you have done great yesterday, and do it today. 말을 이리저리 척척 둘러대는 슬기나 재능이 없을 때? ** good with: ~을 잘 다루는/ ~와 잘 지내는 (사용이나 관계의 능숙함을 표현) ** words 말.. 2022. 3. 9.
21.03.08.월 Beauty is only skin-deep. 외모가 다는 아니야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday, the 8th of March. Well, Did you know that Monday is the best day setting new goals? One expert suggests we are maybe more likely actually to follow through with our professional goals, if we start on a Monday rather than a Thursday. This is known as the fresh start effect. 겉모습만 보고 사람 판단하고 틀렸을 때? ** skin-deep 얇은; 피상적인 ** 직역: 아름다움은 단지 피상적일 뿐이.. 2022. 3. 8.
22.03.07.월 Easy Writing 미드: The Good Place (1) in a [형용사] way = [형용사]한 방식으로 세리나는 그녀의 사업을 창의적인 방식으로 홍보하고 있다. Serina is advertising her business in a creative way. Serina is marketing her business in a a creative way. 마유는 그 고기를 흔치 않은 방식으로 요리했다. MAYU cooked the meat in a rare way. MAYU cooked the meat in an unusual way. 그녀는 날 비꼬는 방식으로 칭찬했어. She praised me in a twist way. She complimented me in a sarcastic way. ================================ d.. 2022. 3. 7.
22.03.05.토 Easy Writing 이지라이팅 Weekly Review 2/28 ~ 03/04 22.02.28.월 이메일: 신용 카드 청구액 지불 확인 We have confirmed your online payment 온라인으로 지불해주셔서 감사합니다. Thank you for your payment made online. 여기 고객님의 기록 보관용 확인번호가 있습니다. Here is the confirmation number for your own records. 지불금이 처리되고 계좌에 반영되기까지 최대 48시간을 허용해주세요. Please allow up to 48 hours for your payment to be posted and reflected on your account. 그 전에 고객님의 계좌에 접속하시면, If you access your account before then,.. 2022. 3. 5.
21.03.05.금 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 MAYU’s Diary: My mother’s birthday is co mean to [V]: [V]할 셈이다. I mean to buy her something so very special. We mean to have a wonderful party for him. ->We mean to throw an awesome party for him. I meant to do the dishes but I forgot. ================================== surprise, photo studio, elementary school, dress옷을 입히다, 옷을 입다, suit, oneself, looking back, entire life(my entire life) ================================== coming up My .. 2022. 3. 5.
21.03.05.금 I threw caution to the wind. 난 과감하게 행동했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Frida the 5th of March. Well, today is 경칩, the day of wakening from hibernation. As all living things begin to merge from their winter slumber. What should we do? I reckon warm weather boosts mood and broadens the mind. The positive impact of warm sunny weather can have on mental health. That means we can study harder and better. 내가 결단력있고 용감할 때, **.. 2022. 3. 5.