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Opic 대비36

21.10.18.월 Fostering Rescue Animals 유기 동물 임시보호 _ 입이 트이는 영어 제니쌤: Yeah. It really is a sad reality. So these, I guess, homeless animals, they need shelters and they need loving family. Someone that's more than willing to accept them into the families. But, you know, sometimes you may not find someone who is willing to take him in. So, often you will have familites that are willing to foster, give them foster car, 잠시 동안 이죠, for a temporary time. they will .. 2021. 10. 18.
21.10.15.금 입이 트이는 영어 Quarantining at Home 자가격리 [Speaking]Describe your experience of quarantining at home because of COVID 19 I received a word that there was a confirmed case of covid 19 at the pilates studio I go to. I got tested for covid and the result was negative. But the very next day I got the bad news that I had to self-quarantine for 2 two weeks since I was in close contact with a confirmed patient. I went to into quarantine in my .. 2021. 10. 15.
21.10.13.수 입트영 Life as an Immigrant 이민자의 삶 [Speaking] Talk about the life of an Immigrant A lot of younger people these days dream of relocating overseas. 요즘 많은 젊은 사람들이 해외 이민을 꿈꾼다. I was one of those people. 나도 그런 사람들 중에 하나였다. Now I am in my 30s, I have obtained a green card in Canada and I'm adjusting to life here. 지금 30대인 나는 캐나다의 영주권을 취득했고, 여기 삶에 적응하고 있다. One of the selling points of emigrating has been that I have been freed from fine.. 2021. 10. 13.
21.10.12.화 입트영 Bringing a Child to and from School 아이 등하교시키기 [Speaking] Talk about Your Child to School and Back. As a working mom, I've never had a chance to take my kids to school or bring them back again. Even there was a sudden downpour, my kids borrowed umbrellas on their own or came home soaked in rain. My youngest child, now in first grade, went to and from school with her older sisters. But because of the coronavirus, I went to on childcare leave .. 2021. 10. 12.
21.10.08.금 입이 트이는 영어 Skincare Specialist 피부 관리사 [Speaking] Talk about Skincare Specialist I currently work as a skincare specialist at a dermatology clinic. I believe that the skincare is a process of aging gracefully. That’s why I take a great pride in my work. I’m filled with anticipation because I’ll begin attending graduate school in September. I’ll major in skincare and obesity. I want to research skincare and obesity to help people live.. 2021. 10. 8.
21.10.07.목 입이 트이는 영어 Difference Food Preferences 음식의 취향 차이 [Speaking] Talk about People's Different Food Preferences 음식 취향의 차이에 대해서 이야기 해주세요 When I eat with friends, it often strikes me how different everyone's taste in food is. 친구들과 음식을 먹다보면, 음식 취향이 많이 다르다는 걸 종종 느낄 때가 있다. The level of doneness for fried eggs is a good example. 계란의 익힘 정도가 그 좋은 예이다. I like a runny yolk. 나는 노른자가 약간 흘러내리는 반숙이 좋다. A fully cooked egg is hard to swallow. 완숙은 뻑뻑해서 삼키기 힘들다. Egg.. 2021. 10. 7.
21.08.16.월 Moving Out to Live Alone 독립해서 혼자 살기 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Introduction] H: So this person is actually rolling about moving out his parents house. The first time he did actually. J: How exciting! H: Can be exciting. It can be a little, I guess, scary at first. J: Oh could be. H: Because you have to sign the lease yourself. You have to get furniture. You have to set everything up. All the responsibilities for all the news J: a lot of work. H: It can be .. 2021. 8. 16.
21.08.02.월 Homemade Coffee 집에서 만드는 커피 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Brewing Coffee at Home More and more people are brewing coffee and tea by themselves at home. The best part of a home cafe is that you can drink coffee and tea as you like, regardless of time and place. Pour-over coffee is known for its great taste in aroma, and you can choose from various beans depending on your taste. For the best pour-over coffee, you have to start with .. 2021. 8. 2.