H: So this person is actually rolling about moving out his parents house. The first time he did actually.
J: How exciting!
H: Can be exciting. It can be a little, I guess, scary at first.
J: Oh could be.
H: Because you have to sign the lease yourself. You have to get furniture. You have to set everything up. All the responsibilities for all the news
J: a lot of work.
H: It can be a little overwhelming, I guess, to some people.
J: But I think it’s a great feeling that you feel independent now. You somehow feel like a grown-up.
[Speaking] Talk about when you moved out to live alone.
Two month ago, I got a new job. It meant I had to move to Seoul, Korea’s biggest city. Before then, I had lived with my family in Kyungju, so this decision was a sea change for me. I was a little scared to live on my own for the first time, but I also was filled with anticipation about my new surroundings.
I had to do everything by myself, including signing a lease for a house to live in, and buying furniture to make the house feel cozy. Doing all of this on my own, I felt all grown up.
I looked around a lot of houses before choosing one. I finally settled on a studio apartment on a hill. It has a killer view. It’s a bit of a hike to get to, but I don’t mind. I do it for the exercise.
두달 전에 나는 새로운 직장을 얻었다. 그래서 한국에서 가장 큰 도시인 서울로 이사해야 했다. 이 전까지는 가족들과 함께 경주에 살아서 이 결정은 나에게 아주 큰 변화였다. 처음으로 혼자 산다는 것이 좀 두렵기도 했지만 새로운 환경에 대한 기대감도 가득 차 있었다.
살 집을 계약하는 것부터 그 집을 아늑하게 꾸밀 가구를 구입하는 것까지 모두 스스로 해야 했다. 이 모든 것을 혼자 스스로 하면서, 내가 어른이 된 느낌이었다.
집을 결정하기 전에 여러 집을 둘러봤다. 최종적으로 언덕 위에 있어서 전망이 아주 멋진 원룸으로 결정했다. 약간 언덕 길이지만, 개의치 않고 운동삼아 다닌다.
* a sea change: a drastic change; a complete, major change; almost like a transformation
* anticipation: pleasant feeling; feeling of execitment especially when you’re looking forward to someting that’s gonna happen
* cozy 아늑한;포근한;편안한 snuggling;warm
* I felit like a grown-up 성인이 된 듯한 느낌이 들었다.
do everything by myself 모든 일을 스스로 하다.
직장동료들이 모두 휴가 중이어서 모든 일을 내가 직접 처리해야했다.
I had to do everything by myself because all my co-workers were on vacations.
I had to do everything by myself because my co-workers were on vacation.
feel all grown up 어른이 된 것 같다.
새차를 하면, 내가 어른된 것 같은 기분이 든다.
I feel all grown up, when I wash my car.
Washing my car makes me feel all grown up.
It’s a bit of a hike 언덕길 같다; 경사가 있다
내가 근사한 음식점을 아는데, 걸어가기엔 부담스러운 언덕길에 있어
I know a fantastic restaurant but it’s a bit of a hike to get to.
I know a great restaruat but it’s a bit of a hike from here.
A: Did your move go smoothly?
B: Yes, I’ve settled in a bit now.
A: Is this your first time living on you own?
B: Yes, I’ve lived in my parents place until now.
A: I see. It must take some getting used if it’s your first time
B: That’s right. I think I’ll get the hang of it bit by bit.
20.03.16.월 Once you get the hang of it, 일단 너가 그것의 감을 잡으면, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 6th of March. Please don't think about Monday blues because you're going to study and listen to posh accent and speak out loud wh..
네가 모든 일을 직접 할 필요는 없어
You don’t need to do everything by yourself.
You don’t have to do everything by yourself.
어린 시절에는 넥타이를 하면 어른이 된 것 같은 기분이 들었다.
When I was young, putting on necktie made me feel all grown up.
When I was young, wearing a necktie made me feel all grown up.
지하철역에서 걸어가기에 조금 부담스러원 거리에 있다.
It’s a bit of a hike from a subway station.
It’s a bit of a hike from the subway station.
어느 정도 적응이 된 후에 우리는 새 집에 친구들을 초대했다.
After settling in a bit, we invited our friends to the new house.
After we had settled in a bit, we invited our friends to our new home.
냄새가 좀 많이 나는 요리라서 처음에는 좀 힘들 수 있다.
It can take some getting used to it because it’s a bit smelly dish.
It’s a smelly dish, so it takes some getting used to.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입이 트이는 영어 Moving Out to Live Alone 독립해서 혼자 살기
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