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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.08.10.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Afterlife 사후 세계

by Namaskara 2021. 8. 10.

[Speaking] Talk about the afterlife
Everyone eventually dies. What kind of world exists after we pass away? Is it literally the end of everything? or is there another world that we are unaware of?
Some religions believe that there is a heaven and a hell. That’s why they believe that devout faith is important. Other religions believe that everyone had a previous life and their existence now depends on their Karma from a past life. That’s why they refrain from killing other living things.
Nobody can really know for certain what the afterlife will be like. I want to give my all in everything I do, so that I have no regrets when I kick the bucket. Also, I’ll do my best to love the people around me.

사람은 누구나 결국 죽음을 맞이합니다. 사후에는 과연 어떤 세상이 존재할까요? 죽음은 말 그대로 모든 것의 끝일까요? 아니면 우리가 모르는 또 다른 세상이 존재하는 걸까요?
일부 종교에서는 천국과 지옥이 있다고 믿어요. 그래서 그들은 독실한 신앙심이 중요하다고 믿습니다. 다른 종교에서는 모두에게 전생이 존재하며, 전생의 업보에 따라 현세의 존재가 결정된다고 믿습니다. 그래서 그런 종교적 믿음을 갖고 있는 사람들은 함부로 다른 생물을 죽이지 않습니다.
사후세계가 어떨지 아무도 확실히 알 순 없습니다. 저는 죽음을 맞이하는 순간 후회가 남지 않도록 매사에 최선을 다하고 싶습니다. 또한, 최선을 다해서 내 주변사람들을 사랑할 것입니다.

eventually 결국 (~하다)
devout 독실한
devout faith 독실한 신앙심
My mother is a devout Christian
They are devout buddist.
karma 업보; 현생의 행실이 후생에 영향을 미친다
refrain from ~ing 자제하다.
give (it) my all 최선을 다하다
kick the bucket 죽다

Karma from a past life 전생의 업보
나는 불운한 일이 전생의 업보 때문에 발생한다고 믿지 않는다.
I don’t believe that something bad happens to me because of Karma from a past life.
I don’t believe that bad things happen becaus of Karma from a past life.
우리는 전생의 업보 때문에 서로를 만나는 것 같다. (운명처럼)
I think we’ve met because of Karma from a past life.
We must have met each other because of Karma from a past life.

know for certain 확실히 알다.
내가 분명히 오늘 아침에 그걸 가지고 있었다
I knew for certain that I had it with me this morning.
I know for certian that I had it this morning.

kick the bucket 죽다
죽기전에 어떤 일을 해보고 싶으세요?
What do you want to try before you kick th bucket?
Wht are some things you want to do before you kick the bucket?

A: Have you ever wondered about the afterlife?
B: Sure, I do that sometimes.
A: I recently saw an animated film about life after death.
B: Oh, you mean “CoCo,” right?
A: Yes, that’s right. That’s what prompted me to think about what happens after death.
B: I thought it was a quietly moving film.
* quietly moving film 잔잔한 감동이 느껴지는 영화

1. 우리 엄마는 전생의 업보 때문에 나를 데리고 산다고 말씀하신다.
My mom says that she lives with me because of karma from a past life.
My mom says that she lives with me because of karma from a past life.

2. 그들이 언제 도착할지 나는 확실하게 알지 못한다.
I don’t know for sure what time they will arrive.
I don’t know for sure what time they will arrive.

3. 할아지계서는 죽는 것이 두렵지 않다고 늘 말씀하셨다.
My grandfather always said that he was not afraid of kicking the bucket.
My grandfather always said that he was not afraid to kick the bucket.

4. 나는 어릴 적 친구들이 무엇을 하고 있는지 궁금해질 때가 있다.
I have sometimes become wondered about what childhood friends of mine have been doing?
I sometimes wonder about what my childhood friends are doing?

5. 나는 잔잔하게 감동적인 영화하고 생각했는데, 내 아내는 지루하다고 했다.
I thought it was a quietly moving film, but my wife said it was boring.
I thought it was a quietly moving movie, but my wife said it was boring.

