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[2021.08.11.Wed] 입이 트이는 영어 Dementia 치매

by Namaskara 2021. 8. 11.

H: We live longer. So I think more people will have to deal with dementia. It’s not just people themselves but also the family members who have to really help these patients cope with. It can happen to anyone of us.

[Speaking] Talk about Dementia
There is no medicine that can fully cure dementia. That’s why interest is focused on prevention. However, there is still no way to guarantee prevention of dementia. Undergoing tests and receiving proper treatments during the early stages of dementia can delay its progress. That’s why early diagnosis of dementia is so important.
Major early symptoms of dementia include reduced communication skills and motor functions. Numbness in the hands and feet and sleep disorders are also symptoms. Sometimes patients forget they purchased something and buy it again. Changes in lifestyle patterns, tastes, and emotions are all major early symptoms.
Korea provides various dementia-related services through the National Responsibility System For Dementia. It can be helpful to look into these services beforehands.

치매는 완치 가능한 치료제/치료법이 없다. 그래서 예방쪽에 많은 관심이 쏠리는 것은 어쩔 수 없다. 그러나 확실히 치매를 예방할 방법이 없다. 초기 단계에 검사를 받고 제대로 치료를 받으면 진행을 늦출 수 있습니다. 그래서 치매를 초기에 발견하는 것이 상당히 중요합니다. 의사소통능력 저하는 늦어지는 몸동작이 대표적인 치매의 초기 증상들이다. 손과 발에 감각이 없고 수면장애가 생기는 것도 초기 증상이다.
생활습관, 입맛, 감정의 변화 모두 주요 초기 증상이다.
우리나라에서는 치매국가책임제를 통해 치매 관련된 다양한 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 이런 서비스를 미리 알아두면 도움이 될 수 있다.

numbness 느낌 없음
my feet are numb.
numbness in ~의 저림
cure; 완치하다
treat; 치료하다
undergo (검사/치료/수술을) 받다
motor function 움직이는 기능; 운동 능력;몸동작
look into 알아보다

receive proper treatments 적절한 치료를 받다
곧바로 적절한 치료를 받는 게 좋습니다.
You should receive proper treatments right away.
You need to receive proper treatments right away.
적절한 치료를 받는다면 그리 심각한 질병은 아닙니다.
If you receive proper treatments, it’s not such a serious disease.
If you receive proper treatments, it’s not a very serious illness.

Early diagnosis 조기 진단;조기 발견
조기 진단은 성공적인 치료의 가능성을 높여줍니다.
Early diagnosis enhances the probability of successful treatments.
An early diagnosis increases the likelihood of a successful recovery.

lifestyle pattern 생활습관
언제까지나 젊은 시절의 생활습관을 그대로 유지할 수는 없는 겁니다.
You can’t maintain the lifestyle pattern during youth forever.
You can’t maintain your youthful lifestyle patterns forever.
나는 결혼 이후에 생활습관이 많이 좋아졌습니다.
My lifestyle pattern became quite better after my marrige.
My lifestyle pattern improved a lot after I got married.

A: Dementia is a really heart-breaking illness.
B: Yeah. In the end, patients can’t even recognize their own family.
A: It’s a shame that there is no cure for it even now.
B: I think it’s hard to develop a cure because it’s a degenerative disease.
A: That’s right. It causes rapid aging.
B: They say the best thing is to find it early and delay its progress.
* heart-breaking 마음아픈; 가슴이 찢어지도록 아픈
* degenerative disease 퇴행성 질환
* rapid aging 급격한 노화

적절한 치료를 받지 않으면 가벼운 증상들이 악화될 수 있다.
If you don’t receive proper treatment, light symptoms can become worse.
If you don’t receive proper treatment, light symptoms can become worse.

조기에 진단을 한 덕분에 그녀는 금세 나았다.
Thanks to early diagnosis, she recovered quickly
Thanks to an early diagnosis, she recovered quickly.

건강한 생활 습관은 나이가 들수록 특히 중요하다
A healthy lifestyle pattern is particularly important as you get aged.
Healthy lifestyle patterns are especially important as you get older.

감기에 대한 치료법이 없다는 것을 믿을 수가 없다
I can’t believe there is no cure for cold.
I can’t believe there is no cure for the cold.

조기에 발견한다면 치료하기 너무 어렵지 않다
Finding it early makes the treatments not so difficult.
It’s not too hard to cure if you find it early.

