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[2021.08.09.Mon] 입이 트이는 영어 Living On One’s Own 자취

by Namaskara 2021. 8. 9.

H: What was the case for you back in school?
J: When I was a student, particularly in college, I studied abroad so I spent my first year, freshman year, in a dormitory and then I moved out into an apartment.

[Speaking] Talk about Living on One’s Own
Many students have to find a place to stay near their school if they attend college in a different city. Various forms housing, including studio-apartments, dormitories, and boarding houses each have their pros and cons.
After getting used to living a new place, many students live on their own in studio apartments. Living on one’s own has many advantages. Unlike a dormitory, there is no curfew and you live freely in a place all your own. Your privacy is guaranteed, and you can decorate your home to suit your style. But nobody looks after you when you live alone, so you have a lot of responsibilities. There are lots of living expenses including maintenance fees, electricity bills and monthly rent. You also have to do all the household chores yourself. Even if you enjoy being alone, it’s easy to feel lonely.

많은 학생들은 다른 도시에 있는 대학에 가면 학교 근처에 거주할 곳을 찾아야 한다. 원룸, 기숙사, 하숙 등 다양한 거주 방식은 각각 장단점이 있다.
타지 생활에 적응을 하고 나면, 많은 학생들은 원룸에서 자취를 한다 자취를 하면 장점이 많다. 기숙사와는 달리, 통금이 없고, 나만의 공간에서 자유롭게 생활할 수 있다. 개인의 사생활도 보장되고, 성향에 맞게 집을 꾸밀 수 있다.
그러나 혼자 살 때는 아무도 나를 챙겨주지 않기 때문에 책임감이 크다. 관리비, 전기요금, 월세 등 생활비 지출이 많고 가사노동도 혼자서 다 해야 한다. 또한, 혼자 있는 시간을 즐긴다고 해도 외로움을 느끼기 쉽다.

I used to live in a boarding house 자취했다.
all one’s on
living expenses 생활비
housework 집안일
household chores 가사노동

decorate one’s home 집안을 꾸미다
우리는 그들에게 집들이 선물로 인테리어용 소품을 사줬습니다.
We bought them interior items as a housewarming gift so that they could decorate their home.
We gave them items to decorate their home as a housewarming gift.

have a lot of reponsibilities 책임이 많다.
나는 회사에서 책임을 맡은 일이 많아서 휴가를 못 갑니다.
I have a lot of reponsiblities at work so I can’t go on a vacation.
I can’t go on vacation because I have a lot of repsonsibilities at work.

enjoy being alone 혼자 있는 걸 즐기다
주말에는 혼자 있는 걸 좋아해요
I enjoy being alone at work during weekends.
On weekends, I enjoy being alone at home
요즘 보면, 혼자 있는 걸 즐기는 사람들이 많아진 것 같습니다 seem
It feels like that there have become more people who enjoy being alone these days.
More people seem to enjoy being alone these days.

A: How long have you been living on you own?
B: Let’s see. I started my sophomore year of college, so this is my second year.
A: You must have gotten used to it by now.
B: That’s right. It’s rough going in the first.
A: You have to take care of everything by yourself.
B: These days, I even cook my own meals.
* rough going 힘든 과정

집안일을 꾸미는 데 비용이 많이 들 필요는 없다.
You don’t need to spend a lot of money decorating your home.
Decorating one’s home doesn’t have to cost a lot.

일을 하는 부모들은 책임질 일이 많다.
Working parents have a lot of reponsibilities.
Working parents have a lot of reponsibilities.

비가 오는 날씨에는 혼자 있는 것이 좋다.
I enjoy being alone when it’s rainy.
When the weather is rainy, I enjoy being alone.

더운 날씨 때문에 아주 힘들었다
It was rough going because of the hot weather.
It was rough going because of the hot weather.

나는 이번 주말에 몇가지 집안 일 some chores을 처리해야 한다.
I have to take care of a few housework this weekend.
I need to take care of some chores this weekend.

