whenever [평서문] 할 때마다;할 때라면 언제든
우리 부모님은 내가 그들을 필요로 할 때면, 언제든 날 위해 거기에 있어 주셨어
My parents are always there for me whenever I need them.
My parents were always there for me whenever I needed them.
우리 개는 남자를 볼 때마다 짖어.
Our dog barks whenever he sees a man.
My dog barks whenver he sees a man.
넌 문제에 직면하면 언제든 나 한테 전화하면 돼.
You can call me whenever you face a problem.
You can call me whevever you run into a problem.
swwet 다정한;로맨틱한;친절한
classical music 고전 음악
have a chance 기회가 있다
practice 연습하다
daily 매일
to be honest 솔직히
to be honest with you
너에게 솔직히 말하자면
sheet music 악보
That's so 형용사 of [명사] [명사]는 엄청 [형용사]하네요
그런 말을 해주시다니, 엄청 좋으시네요 당신은
That's so nice of you to say that
That's so nice of you to say that.
그녀는 엄청 스윗하네요
That's so sweet of her.
That's so sweet of her.
[2021.06.07.Mon]영국 영어 That's so sweet of you. 너 정말 친절하구나
Today is Monday, the 7th of June. Well, if you have to decide to do something, I mean, start something, You've got to start on Monday, start of the week. On a diet, going to study a new language, th..
pick up [명사]를 배우다
pick up 뭔가를 새롭게 배울 때,
(정식으로 배운다기 보다는 어깨 넘어로 배운다)
세리나는 TV 드라마를 봄으로써 스페인어를 약간 배웠어
Serian picked up a bit Spanish as she watched TV series.
Serina picked up a little Spanish by watching TV dramas.
난 그걸 우리 아버지로부터 배웠어
I picked it up from my father.
I picked it up from my father.
as far as I remember 제 기억으로는
내가 기억하기로는 그녀의 이름은 메디야
As far as I remember, her name is Meddie.
As far as I remember, her name is Meddie.
제가 기억하기로는 시카고는 미국의 도시인데요
As far as I remember, Chicago is a city of the USA.
As far as I remember, Chicago is an American city.
[Five Golden Sentences]
그런 말씀을 해주시다니, 엄청 스윗하세요! 감사합니다.
That's so sweet of you to say that. Thank you.
That's so sweet of you to say something like that. Thank you.
기타 연주하는 법을 어디서 배웠냐구요?
Where did I learn how to play guitar?
Where did I learn how to play guitar?
그냥 아빠가 연주하시는걸 보면서 배웠어요
Umm, I just picked it up by seeing my father playing
Well, I just picked it up by watching my dad play.
기회가 있을 때마다, 절 위해 고전 음악을 연주하시곤 했어요
He used to play classical music for me whenever he had chances.
He would play classical music for me whenever he had a chance.
*would ~하곤 하다; 과거의 회상
제 기억으로는 매일 3시간에서 4시간을 연습했어요
As far as I remember, I practiced for 3 to 4 hours daily.
As far as I remember, I practiced 3 to 4 hours daily.
솔직히 말씀드리면, 전 악보 읽는 법도 몰라요.
To be honest with you, I don't even know how to read sheet music.
To be honest with you, I don't even know how to read sheet music.