** throw a spanner in the works 계획을 망치다
A: 계획을 망치지 말아줘.
Don’t throw a spanner in the works.
Don’t throw a spanner in the works.
B: 그냥 도움을 주려고 했을 뿐이야.
I just tried to help you.
I was just trying to be helpful.
A: 난 비밀을 지키려고 노력했어요.
I tried to keep the secret.
I tried to keep the secret.
그런데 그가 그녀에게 말하는 바람에 계획을 망쳐버렸지 뭐예요.
but he threw a spanner in the works by telling her.
but he threw a spanner in the works by telling her.
B: 그가 그녀를 김새게 했네.
He spoiled her fun.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
상사가 ( ) 계획을 망쳐버렸어.
My boss has thrown a spanner in the works
The boss threw a spanner in the works
(좀 급한 일을 나에게 하라고 요구하는 바람에)
by asking me to do an urgent task.
by asking me to do some urgent work.
그는 ( )고 매우 pretty 확신했어.
He was for sure
He was pretty sure
(그가 계획을 망칠 수 있을 것 같다)
he could throw a spanner in the works.
He could throw a spanner in the works.
저는 ( )라고 확신합니다.
I’m sure
I’m confident
(아무도 계획을 망치지 않을 거)
that no one will throw a spanner in the works.
that no one will throw a spanner in the works.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그의 계획을 망치지 마.
Don’t throw a spanner in his plan.
Don’t throw a spanner in the works of his plan.
B: 난 그냥 그에게 용기를 주려고 했던 것 뿐이야.
I was just trying to encourage him.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Don't throw a spanner in the works. 계획을 망치지 말아줘.
2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
20.03.06.금 Don't throw a spanner in the works. 계획을 망치지 말아줘. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어